Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm in tears as I type this...I just answered a message I received through my etsy site that I feel compelled to share with you. Melissa emailed me to ask if I'd create a prayer t-shirt to sell through my etsy site for anyone who wants to help a sweet baby girl named Harper (proceeds go to Harper's family). Harper was born January 16th, developed pneumonia, and is in critical condition at St. Francis hospital in Tulsa. Melissa gave me the link to Harper's mom's blog and after reading just one post, I knew this was something I needed to do. Harper's mom, Kelly, and her husband have prayed for a baby for two years and finally their prayers were answered with Harper! You can only imagine what they're going through right now...longing for a baby all this time...praying, waiting, anticipating. And now that she's here they can only admire her from a distance, touch her occasionally and whisper sweet somethings in her little ear. But as Kelly said in one of her posts....God's ways are not our ways.

To read Kelly's blog and see their little love bug, click here. I guarantee you won't be disappointed...she's the cutest! I'm sure they would appreciate all the prayers you could lift up on their behalf!


  1. Hey Tara! I have been following Harper's blog & have been keep that sweet little angel in my daily prayers. I can't imagine what her mama & daddy are going through...what a sweet gesture of you to make a little shirt for baby Harper..I know her parents will be eager to have her home wearing it! What an awesome thing this whole blog world can do...tons of people lifting each other up in prayer!! Please post your cute design if you get a chance!! :)

  2. Tara, I just sent her a link to your etsy site! She must have found you before I even replied! I've been reading and it tears my heart out. I'm praying for that sweet baby!!

  3. oh my gosh- I have just sat here and read her whole blog from birth to now- this sweet Harper. She is one tough girl -
