Saturday, January 24, 2009

The More the Merrier!

Yesterday was a pretty fun day for us...we had a house full of little people! And when I say little people, I mean six kids 4 and under! I'd offered to pick two of Towns' friends up from Mother's Day Out because their moms had things they needed to do...and as we were at the church picking them up we added two more to the group just for fun! After yesterday I know full well that Towns is the hostess with the mostest. We fed everyone a picnic lunch in the living room floor and she didn't sit down to eat a bite until her friends and Cate had everything they needed. And after lunch, she cleaned up after every one of them while they were in her room playing! I love having her friends over, and it does me good to see how much she enjoys it too. We made Valentine's cookies and had a mock dancing class (I never escape the dancing teacher role) and had LOTS of play time! Loading all of them up in the car and taking them all home gave Towns the same feeling I so vividly remember from when I was young...there's nothing pretty about an afternoon of all out wild and craziness with your friends coming to an end! She shed a few tears and couldn't understand why they couldn't just stay forever. But never fear, she had something to look forward to last night...she rode with our friends Jeff, Amy and Hart to Winfield to watch Hart's sister cheer at a basketball game. Sometimes I think she might just trade me in for Amy, so I had no doubts that she'd have a great time! She came rolling in at 10:00 on a Friday night...we're going to have to have the curfew discussion a lot sooner than I thought! (Amy, I'm so kidding!) Last night Bethany joked that Towns had a better social life than she did! HA! I couldn't let this opportunity pass without a few pictures (surprise, surprise)...
Picnic lunch inside...

After lunch, Towns brought every plate to the kitchen like so...

Play time!

Time for Mrs. Tara's dance class (I had all of them but Hart in Princess Ballerina Camp over the summer, so they know what my class is all about)!
Here they're on my white line (just like the one at the dance studio) and ready to begin...

All that dancing had the munchkins hungry again, and after lots and lots of Valentine's cookies it was time to wrap up the play date...sad! We'll have to do it again soon!


Thursday afternoon before Jonathan got home from work the girls and I were in the mood to be outside since it was sunny and a tad bit warmer than it has been around here.

Cate got her baby in the stroller...

Towns grabbed her bike...

Bethany grabbed some potato chips...

And off we went!

We walked a few blocks over to Delano Park where there are the biggest and best trees ever to play hide-and-seek in! Cate was a little slow with the stroller and her sisters aren't the most patient people ever, so she ended up in the big stroller to make things a little quicker...something she wasn't overly thrilled about! Here she's ever so kindly voicing her disapproval...gotta love her though!

When we got there Bethany hid while we counted...Cate and Towns quickly picked up on how the game was supposed to go and LOVED it!
Towns counting...

Time to find Bet! Here they go...

Cate really got a kick out of being the seeker...

We found B way up in a tree! Wish this wasn't so was such a cute picture!

After the younger two saw how much fun it was to hide, they had to follow suit of course! This is Towns once I found where she was hiding...she thought it was hilarious!

And here's Cate in her hiding spot...she thought we couldn't see her!

Now everyone had to hide together...

Good times! Have I mentioned that I LOVE these girls?! I do, I do, I do!!
The ride home was a little rough, though. Here's what I pushed for as long as I possibly could...

B decided she was too tired to walk home...she's as big of a mess as the baby girls! :)
I drive Bet crazy because with everything we do I'm always trying to teach her something. I see it as using every opportunity that presents itself to learn something. She sees it as me talking way too much and filling her ears full of uselessness! If trying to help the girls better themselves is a bad thing, then I'm guilty! Anyway, on the way home I taught Towns a thing or two...

She learned to spell s-t-o-p from the letters painted on the road!
Now that I think about it, I can't take full credit for this next one and I probably shouldn't be quite so proud seeing as how this could land her with a broken arm or something...

She's riding her bike with no hands...I live with a house full of dare devils with NO fear! I don't think I really fit in in that respect, but it sure makes life a little more interesting!


  1. Just wondering...are you super woman to brave all those kids! ;)

  2. how much FUN can you possibly fit into just one day???? we have got to get all of our girls together soon!

  3. I can't believe I missed all the fun with the kids! I wish I could have been home. I LOVE little girls! They are so much fun! I had a lot of fun at Bridge Street today. But it was sooo cold! Hope we can go again soon!
