Monday, January 19, 2009

Play Day!

We love a day at home with NOTHING to do! I had every intention for us all to be unanimously lazy today...but it hasn't exactly gone that way! I've got two very playful little ladies on my hands who want non-stop action! We started at early thirty this morning with a road trip to the beach. Towns was determined to try to fit Cate in her doll's car seat and when that didn't really work, we came up with this...

Cate was cooperative for a full three minutes...cue the temper!

(Towns has on a leotard with her fleece..she's not in the front seat driving bottomless!)
After the road trip, I reluctantly pulled out the moon sand. That's one of those things that's fun while it lasts, but the clean-up is not the greatest!

By this time it's started snowing outside...oh, the excitement...until I attempted to take the girls outside to play in it and Towns started crying that it was messing up her hair. She's such a girl!

So it was back inside and time for bubbles...blurry pics, but fun times!

Once the bubbles got old, Cate was in the mood for climbing all over her mama...she's such a wild child! Towns took over the photography role...see her little finger here? Love it!

We played for a little while longer before our indoor picnic...

Towns dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood and filled her picnic basket full of snacks...

My grandmother made the Little Red Riding Hood costume for me for Halloween when I was fun that the girls are playing in it now!

During the picnic, Cate learned how to put gummie Lifesavers (shout out, roommate...those remind me of you!) on her fingers for decoration...she was absolutely amazed at herself!

After snack time, we had a full on dance party! Can't think of a better way to spend a day would only have been better if Bet had been here!

On a completely different note, I think I'm a little OCD (I'm only halfway exaggerating) and it's beginning to rub off on the girls. The other day Towns came up to me and said 'I have a GREAT game' and when I asked her what it was I had to try really, really hard to hold my laughter in. Her great game was taking everything out of her dresser, laying it all out, folding it back up, and then 'orgarizing' (you might call it organizing) it when we put it back in the drawers. I persuaded her to play babies with me instead, but the girl does thrive on packing and organizing. The girls spent the weekend in Selma with their grandparents, and Towns being the traveler she is, was ready to pack it all up and go again the minute we got home from picking them up. There's not a day that goes by that she's not getting her bags out and packing for a pretend trip...

And there's a bag for everything...a bag for shirts, a bag for pants, a bag for shoes, a bag for bathing suits (despite the frigid weather), etc. I could go on and on!
She folds everything so neatly and puts it in its place...

She's so meticulous about it. I should have known she would be like this since she's been folding towels (upon her request) perfectly for me since age 2. It's insanity!

See the smile on her face...she's in heaven!

Not only has Towns been bitten by the neat freak bug, Bethany has joined in too! Look at what she did this morning without anyone asking her...

And she even cleaned up after herself after dinner last night! Just had to brag a sec! You're the best, Bet-Bet!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about the fun times that you girls have on a daily basis!!

    Loved the whole "driving" to the beach picture with Cate in the back of the "car". What kind of vehicle is Towns driving--car, suv??? TOO CUTE! :)
