Thursday, January 22, 2009


Yesterday morning I (so rudely, if you asked her) interrupted Cate playing Mommy to her doll to get her to eat breakfast. It was the cutest thing ever because she was trying to be so attentive to her baby, but she was also pretty determined to get that yogurt to her mouth too! I tried to get her to lay her doll on the counter so she wouldn't have to eat with only one hand, but she obviously wasn't all about that plan...

She trying SO hard...

Now she's got it...kind of! :)

That's dedication, my friends!

Can I continue the Bethany Brag Fest from Monday? This is day three (count ', two, THREE) that she's kept her bedroom and bathroom spotless and made up her bed in the mornings! Can't remember exactly how many days in a row you have to do something before it becomes a habit, but we're well on our way! :)

I've been meaning to do a super special blog post about the newest member of the Verdigets fam...Miss Blair Elizabeth Verdigets to be exact...but it seems that Jenn beat me to it and hers is probably cuter than mine would have been! So check out the sweet little priss here. Welcome to the world, Blair! We're SO glad you're finally here!
Congrats Tara and Felix!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!!! I love the owl header, dang "reader" I never see actual blogs until I comment. And PS its two weeks to make or break a habit, thats what I've always heard and it holds true for me.
