Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're All Smiles...

...because we've got SO much to be happy about!

#1 - It's SPRING BREAK (i.e. nowhere to be, no dance classes to teach, no music classes to teach, no carpool lines...NOTHING) and life couldn't be any sweeter! I think I'd forgotten just how much I love being at home!

#2 - This chick is coming back to Decatur today!

We've missed you, Bet!

#3 - The weather and all that comes along with it! Like the 3 1/2 hour park trip yesterday...

We started out with a picnic that didn't last too very long - who can concentrate on food when there's people (and dog) watching to be done?! Towns was fascinated by a cute long haired chihuahua running around near us...

The dog and its owner left, which for some reason meant that it was time to break out this (this deserves a post of its own...I've become one of of those people who is completely attached to the 3G network):

...and get the Hoedown Throwdown (Miley/Hannah? I can never keep up with who sings what!) going. The iphone wasn't the only thing we broke out. Oh no. Do you know my girls? Some serious moves were also broken out...

And this is Cate trying to copy Towns and her hand stand (with NO hands - in complete Cate fashion)...

After the impromptu dance party, we moved the party to the park...

Once again, Cate had to do every little thing her big sister did...

The girls made a break for the purple dinosaur once it was free, and when they got there they realized they'd really rather be in the red car just a few feet away instead. Of course, the only reason they wanted in it was because it was taken by a sweet little girl already. We learned a lesson right then and there when I caught these looks on their faces...

Actually, Towns wasn't that bad but Cate was shooting daggers through the little girl in the red car...the red car that she thought she should be in!
So the girl asked Cate to come join her...

Which didn't make a certain big sister so happy...

After the lesson in sharing, we moved on...

This one's funny to me. Cate saw Towns beneath her through those little holes...

Next up was the this point we'd been there so long and they were so dirty that it didn't matter to me if they rolled around in the sand and got even more filthy. If you know me, you'd think you'd need to check my temperature! :)

Towns wanted her turn at the camera...

Take a look at those jeans covered in sand...I'm beginning to like the idea of dirty kids! They look like they've had way more fun!

Just in case you've missed the hundred times I've previously told you how much Cate makes me laugh, I'll give you a little reminder...
She went and sat by this little boy in the picture below and tried her hardest to get his attention. She talked to him and the more she'd talk, the more shy he'd get.

So after a few seconds of that, she moved on to plan B...

The 'if you won't look at me when I'm talking to you, I'll just get in your face until you have to look at me' approach!
Oh, and then there's this one...

The park is right next to some retirement apartments and the sweet residents come out to sit and watch the kids play. The girls love it. There was an older gentleman who was walking a little ahead of us and Cate started trying to walk like him. This picture doesn't do it justice, though. His back was hunched and he hobbled a bit when he took each step. And Cate thought it was the greatest thing in the world that she could do exactly what he was doing. She had the biggest smile on her face!

I almost forgot...Towns' day at the park was complete when she saw a few of these...

Happy Spring Break!!!


  1. You didn't tell me about the old man thing! HILARIOUS! That Cate is something else now. I am going to have a little talk with you about how I am the 2nd reason that y'all are all smiles! HA! JK. Looks like y'all had bunches of fun! I can't believe you let them get that dirty! Thanks for the idea about the wedding for the fish! Ha. Even my mom said I was crazy! She loves fish as much as I do and maybe even more so for her to say that is crazy, wow. Can we have Taco Bell tonight? Random!

  2. You KNOW you're #1...I don't know what I was thinking when I made that list!!! Obviously I wasn't thinking, right?!

  3. Cate! Cate! Cate! You are too funny little bunny... befriending that little shy boy was hilarious!I love it!!! Glad y'all are all smiles... I love the pic of you and Cate that Towns took.. you two are both so BEAUTIFUL!!!
