Friday, March 20, 2009

Dentist Office Drama

Bethany and I did a number on her hair this morning not knowing exactly how it would all turn out...I had a feeling the girl had a little wave hiding deep down somewhere that needed to be let loose! I don't think she's ever looked cuter! Wouldn't you agree?

The morning got off to a rough start. The girl you see in the picture above rolled with it like a CHAMP! I had a quick dentist appointment this morning at 8:30, so we stopped to pick up breakfast and I let Bethany sit in the car with the girls while they ate. {Side note - doors were locked, car was parked at the front door of the office, I had my cell in my hand the entire time, and it was a whole lot smarter than letting all of them loose in the tiny waiting room. Everyone inside the building would thank me for it.} I sent B a text after a few minutes to check on them and she replied back that they were great and there was nothing to worry about. Approximately two seconds passed before my phone rang with Bethany shouting 'Towns is throwing up - you have to come NOW!!' I flew out the door because I know how Bethany is when things like this happen...she'd be the next one to get sick just from witnessing it! But by the time I got outside (accompanied by the dental hygienist who was armed with disinfectant spray and paper towels) she had the situation totally under control. Sister of the Year Award is definitely in the cards for her. Oh, and let's not fail to mention how she took the shirt that was under her jacket off so that Towns would have clothes to ride home in. Is that not the sweetest? She's the b-e-s-t ever!

After all the drama ceased, we headed to Huntsville to run a few errands. Since B had been so sweet all morning, she got to ride Dumbo as a treat! :) The younger two happened to get in on the action, too...


  1. Awww.... thanks for such a sweet post about me! Me getting the award is just another excuse to have a party. ha. I LOVE my hair wavy! I am wearing it like that to church tomorrow! Keep updating your blog! :)

  2. A sweet post for a SUPER sweet girlie-girl! Speaking of girlie-girls...that Coco Chanel feline is sounding like not such a bad idea. I think it would be fun! But can we have a Coco Chanel AND a Philly McK??? Remember Phil McK?! I know you remember!

  3. Forgot to tell you that you're smokin' hot in that $7 Juicy! That was SO meant to like that just don't come around too often!!

  4. $7 Juicy?!?!?! WHERE?!?! Oh my, I probably would have wigged about the throw up too! Good for Bethany, bc I would have ran away! Guess I need to start getting better, huh?
