Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birthday Weekend - Round 1

The big birthday weekend was a super fun weekend with just the girls - J was in Orlando on business and was missed a ton! We somehow managed to make it through. I had to keep everyone busy so they weren't constantly asking me when Daddy would be home! Friday morning after we took B to school, we headed to Target for a new pool. The girls opted out of the obvious choice (a pink princess pool with a canopy) and went for the flower pool that sprays water...but I think they had more fun sitting on the side and bouncing more than anything! I seriously thought one of them - or both - would go flying at any second because they were bouncing so high...

Friday night we landed here...

Who knew an Italian circus would make someone like Cate - the child who hasn't been still and quiet ever in her life other than when she's sleeping - not move a muscle for 3 solid hours? It wasn't Barnum & Bailey's, but it was fun for a local circus! Bethany even loved it!

After such a big night, we all crashed and burned! Saturday was jam-packed and just as fun...that post will come next!


  1. I had so much fun at the circus! I think I enjoyed it more than the girls did! Can't wait for the zoo post!

  2. The gorilla pic will most definitely NOT be making the blog if that's what you're hinting at! HA!
