Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birthday Weekend - Round 2

Day 2 of the girls weekend was non-stop action! Bethany had a brunch to attend, we played with Hart for a little while, we went to Family Fun Day at the park, went to Cate's Mothers Day Out teacher's wedding, and ended the night with a Mexican fiesta to celebrate Towns' official last night as a 3 year old! Are you worn out just from reading all that??

Pictures from the park...

Cate has a radar for pooches, and it didn't take her long to find this one...

Since the girls were all dressed up for the wedding, we had to capitalize on the opportunity...

According to a certain little blondie, the world is a stage (she put on a show like no other on the front steps of the church)...

Time for the fiesta...

The chick on the right was ridiculously excited about the next day - her 4th birthday!
More to come!


  1. Cate looked so big jumping in the bouncy. How old is she? I just wondered how much older she is than Chambless.

  2. Belated Birthday wishes to the birthday girl!

    I am VERY interested in getting shirts(that you design, etc.) for John Parker and Sawyer....specifically big brother/lil' brother shirts. Do I need to go to S & C and place my order from there?
