Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Movie Kind of Day

The older two girls and I had a little outing planned for this morning which was great because it was so cold and cloudy - a perfect movie day. And I must say that they make pretty fun dates! Cate and Jonathan had tons of play time while we headed to Bridge Street to catch the first Hannah Montana - The Movie showing this morning at the Monaco. Is it crazy that I'm 28 years old and probably loved the movie more than the kids?! I think I could see it five more times before it's out on DVD, and then I'll be the first in line to buy it I do believe! We had a fabulous time at the movies and then shopped around, had lunch, and ended on a high note with a crazy train ride. I think B was mortified and scared to death she'd see someone she knew! She was such a sport about it, though, because Towns was dying to get her turn on it. The girls each got a little treat - Bethany got new sunglasses and Towns got orange fingernail polish. {She's currently obsessed with the color orange and every day she asks if we can change everything in our house over to orange....the fridge, the bathtub, her room, the outside of the house, etc. I keep telling her that orange is such a fad color and that an orange bathtub wouldn't go over so well when we go to sell our house.} Thanks for being such fun company, girlies! And major thanks for my fun new bag, B! You're the sweetest and most thoughtful girl ever!!


  1. Two blog posts in two days?? I must say, I am super impressed! (: Keep up the blogging Tinkerbell. Oh, your welcome for the super fun bag! Just remember, that was your bday present! - bbmac

  2. Birthday present?? I don't recall making that deal before you handed it over! JUST KIDDING!!! You give me so many fun little treats here and there and I would never expect any of that OR a birthday present from your sweet little self! You're the b-e-s-t! I'm SO excited to be spending Easter with you. Thanks for going to the Tenebrae Service with me last was fun with it just the two of us! As long as we've got it straight that swaying to the church music is a little distracting to the people in the pews behind us...HA!

  3. You tell little Miss Towns to keep her eyes peeled for my blog post later this week... orange, orange, orange... that's all I can say. It was in our bathrooms and it's there to stay! :) Glad you loved the movie... I too heard it was great!
