Friday, April 10, 2009

April Showers

It's a rarity these days that our front sidewalk doesn't look like a stand-in for the Atlantic Ocean. I'm teaching (let me clarify - trying to teach) Towns to be thankful in all situations, so when the monsoon and tornado warning came upon us last week she wasn't the least bit thrilled that it ruined her play time outside. She's always been anti-rain, but lately we've been talking about how all the things God made that live outside need it to survive - all the things she loves like flowers, trees, grass, etc. So she told me the other day that she'd finally figured out how she could be thankful even when it rains - it meant she could stomp around in the puddles (or lake if you're at our house)!

Please excuse Towns' outfit in these pictures...she's obsessed with wearing Cate's clothes and you can bet we wouldn't be leaving the house in those 18m play clothes! But I didn't want to spoil the fun and make her change just for the sake of pictures! :)

Towns was all about dancing and putting on a show...Cate was more into quenching her thirst. GROSS! But it was way too funny and typical of little Bug!
Notice the sequence of pictures here...

I didn't really think she'd go this far...

But yes! She did!

There's never a dull moment on the homefront!!

1 comment:

  1. Tara, They are just too cute! Cate really cracks me up on every blog. She is such a little firecracker (just like her mama)! I love reading your posts! Hope all is well.
