Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Nothing like doing this more than a week late! Better late than never, right??

Towns had her big 4th birthday a week and a half ago - and what a day it was! We were up with the sun that morning because we had lots to accomplish. J had been in Orlando and was flying into the Birmingham airport, and of course we had to be there to greet him when he landed...which didn't happen because he was early and we were late! The day got off to a great start, though. Bethany and I woke the birthday girl with a gorgeous rendition of Happy Birthday - as good as it can get at 6:15 a.m.! We put her straight in the car, where she had streamers and balloons waiting for her, along with a new car seat! We let her open one present that morning - won't tell you what it was because you'll think I'm crazy, but she was one happy camper!

We picked J up and had a mini photo shoot in the parking lot...surprised?! Then J took Cate and Bethany with him while Towns and I spent the day together at the zoo. With all the craziness that's taken over our household, one-on-one time doesn't come easy or often. It was all J's idea - and Towns was pretty excited to have her Mom all to herself! The feeling was mutual!!

First up was lunch - California Pizza Kitchen (her pick). She practiced her writing while we were there...

Afterwards, we went in search of new sunglasses - a birthday girl can't go to the zoo in the sunshine without shades. Or so I was told. She picked them out all on her own and they're a little Willy Wonka-ish (you'll see momentarily), but who was I to stand in the way of what a 4 year old wants on her birthday?? There's only one day a year she can get away with that. She would beg to differ.

Our next stop was the zoo, and it couldn't have been a more perfect day for it. It was absolutely beautiful weather! All Towns talked about the entire time was the gorilla, and I'm pretty sure we made our way to see him about 5 times before we left. She's always been fascinated by him for some reason. The two of them stared at each other for a good, long while...

And naturally she had to call her Daddy to tell him all about it...

This was probably my favorite part of the day - the conversation she had with the giraffes. She'd taken her sunglasses off so she could get a good look at them and then realized one of them was looking straight at her. So she proceeds with...

"What's that Mr. Giraffe? Oh. You want to see my new shades? And you want to tell me happy birthday? Ok, that's just fine because we're best friends." Hysterical! I caught it on camera...

She had the good end of the deal when it came to circling the place a hundred times...

She's such a little priss with those legs crossed!
We made several rounds around the whole zoo, and then took a break for not one, but two chocolate ice cream cones. One just wasn't enough! It was worth it just to watch her enjoy ever last bit of both of them!

We rode the train and played around for a little while longer before heading home...

She wouldn't let me get away with not sticking my head on the gorilla body...

The things we do for our children!!

We talked non-stop all the way home because it's rare that we ever are alone in the car and can carry on an uninterrupted conversation. Talking to her is like talking to a mini adult!

Bethany couldn't wait for us to get back home so that she could surprise her with this cake that she made all on her own with all of Towns' favorite colors...

Towns was shocked and beyond thrilled! After cake came presents...

Her most favorite gift was her new baby doll (this makes the 105th doll we own) and stroller (because we didn't already have 6 other strollers), and she couldn't wait to try it all out. All three girls got their babies and strollers and hit the sidewalk...

I think Bethany was the only one with her bottom half covered, but some things aren't worth fighting!

Have I ever mentioned that I love having girls?? I can't possibly tell you how much! They make me smile!!
All in all, it was the most perfect day! I love that little blondie below more than anything in the world!


  1. PRECIOUS POST!! I loved reading every bit of Towns's birthday! I Love the streamers in the car!!! HOW FUN IS THAT? AND a day at the park with just the 2 of you! :) Every child should be loved that much!!! :) (It's pretty obvious you kind of like those girls!! I love it!) Happy birthday to Towns!

  2. This was so cute! I know one-on-one time doesn't come often when there are 3 kids. This was a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your special day.

  3. I want to know what the bday present was!!! I can only imagine! You still amaze me on how many things you can possibly cram into one day!

  4. Wow! What a great day! My mom makes a HUGE fuss over birthdays, but looks like you are keeping up with her - that's impressive!! How much fun! All of your posts are so detailed! What blessed little girls to have you as their mom!! (Seriously!!) Their poor husbands are going to have their work cut out for them one day :)
