Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

Last weekend we had a fantastic few days in the works, and it might not have turned out exactly as planned but I don't think any of my crew could say that it wasn't fun! We were completely shocked (so kidding - all it does is rain in Decatur these days!) that the hot air balloon festival was rained out. We look forward to it every year and the kids love it so much that we'll always stay here for Memorial Day weekend instead of traveling. We took the girls to the carnival even though the hot air balloons were gone, and bless their hearts, by the time we stayed all of 30 minutes they looked like they'd been swimming with their clothes on! There's not much to do at a carnival when everything has been rained on, but the funnel cakes made it worth our while!

Bethany took Towns on her first 'real' ride and she loved it...

We were counting on Memorial Day being pretty so we could hit the water park at Point Mallard...the weather had other plans for us, though! Surprise, surprise! :)
Bethany was down and out about not having anything fun to do, so I did a little brainstorming and came up with a plan.

I treated them to hair, make up, a mani/pedi (they only had patience to sit through the pedi portion!), lunch, an art class, and a cake-baking lesson...

Towns did her own lipstick, can you tell?!

I put the topiary that sits on the kitchen counter in front of them and they all had to paint their own version of it...

Even little Cate got in on the action...

And the finished product (I'm framing them to put side by side in the kitchen)...

I'm sure you can tell who painted each one!

The rest of our weekend was spent playing. I was once again reminded of how all 3 girls are monkeys and it takes my breath away when I saw things like this at the park...

In the picture above, Towns climbed up the railing, over it, and then onto the chain thing to climb down. I don't know how much more I can take!!
Then Cate got the notion that she could do it too...

Where, might you ask, do they all get it from?
Here's the culprit...

I live with a bunch of fearless individuals! I think I'm the only cautious one in the fam!
After several mild heart attacks, we walked over to the splash pad where Bethany and I watched from a distance...

Until the dripping wet munchkins decided they wanted to come hang out with us and get us soaked...

They're pretty irresistible, so we took all the loving we could get while it lasted!


  1. ummm these are precious!!!!
    i'm still wondering about your wreath on the front door... and NOW I want to know where you got that dress? I hope it's empire waisted cuz I love it and might be able to squeeze my belly in it? Email me info, por favor?

  2. I think E's asking about the striped dress because I have the purple one and I think she was with me at Tar-jay when I got it!!! Isn't it to comfy... I'm ready to stop breastfeeding so I can actually wear it and not pull it up 5x a day! :)

  3. And I too would like to know where you got the striped dress... so email me when you email E


  4. You forgot to mention how you forgot to make me a hot air balloon tee! (: Love how you are posting more often now. I just updated mine and changed my colors. Thanks for the fun time at Posh Studios!

  5. I love the paintings!! What a cute idea! The girls did such a great job!! :)
