Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Opening, Another Show

(that was the title of the dance she helped open the show with)

Just wanted to take a sec' to brag on the cutie pictured above...her dance recital was last night, and her teacher (that's me) is giving her rave reviews! She came in during the middle of the year which would be hard for most people, but B isn't like most people. She's absolutely amazing in every way, so it was no surprise that she was a total star! She worked so hard and it definitely showed by her performance on stage last night. I'm so proud of you, Bebby! Way to go, chick!!


  1. YEAH!!! Yall are both so beautiful!!! Are you gonna show us a video!? I hope so!

  2. Awww. Thanks Tink! I had a blast this year!

  3. It's a great joy seeing my baby on stage doing what I did for so many years. And she did oh so good! :) Thanks for the front-row seats. It was a lot of fun!
