Sunday, June 14, 2009

I'm Going...

C - R - A - Z - Y!

Want to join me?
See photo below for explanation...

Please tell me you're there already and I'm not the only one who does things like this 547 times a day!
{Yes Cate's 20 months old and still has a bottle at night. She's my baby and I just can't seem to let go!}

We've been busy bees around here...

I've been teaching Bethany the tricks of the trade, and I must say that she's a natural! I might start putting her to work! Here she is with one of her first finished products...

See that smile?? I can't even begin to tell you how excited she was about what she'd accomplished! The picture says it all!

B's been so incredibly sweet and tolerant of her two little sisters who all but drive her crazy (maybe she'll join me soon!). They want to be right up under her most of the time. It was one thing when she was in school and she only had to deal with them in the afternoons, but now it's all day, every day! And it starts at approximately 6:30 a.m. (when Cate goes looking for her Bebby and finds her sound asleep in her bed) and doesn't end until their heads hit the pillow!

Thank goodness she's so sweet...I don't know too many 13 year olds who would be as nice as she is to two chicks who are constantly getting her cell phone, swiping her ipod, trying to put on her make up, playing with her shoes, etc.!

The other night I took a solo trip to TJ Maxx to have a few quiet moments to myself (I have a really great husband!), and I ran across a deal on the clearance aisle...

A do-it-yourself princess doll making kit...which was clearly manufactured with Towns in mind! She's pretty domestic at an early age and crafting is her #1 favorite thing to do! So Saturday morning we decided to see what it was all about. We started with this...

And ended with this...

And now the doll is 90% bald thanks to this monkey...

See that look in her eyes? The poor do-it-yourself doll didn't stand a chance...there'll be yellow yarn scattered all over the house for the next 4 months because she pulls it out faster than I can pick it up! What can I say? The girl's a mess!

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures from Sunday morning before church...

It's still a challenge to get both of them smiling simultaneously, but I'll take what I can get!


  1. Chambless is almost 18 months old and still gets a bottle at night! That's ok, isn't it??? I think so!

  2. gosh, i could eat them up!! and sweet B! miss you tons!
