Friday, June 19, 2009

Point Mallard

We ventured to Point Mallard this afternoon to celebrate the end of a big week, and I must say that all the laughs that resulted in going with my 3 plus Towns' friend Emma were well worth sweating it out in the 105 degree weather! Who needs words when there are thousands of pictures?!

Cate and I hung out most of the time since the older girls were having fun on their own (I had one eye on Cate and the other on them, trust me!), which meant I was like the paparazzi and came home with three times as many pictures of her as I did the others. In case you don't believe me...

And now to the part that was a huge eye-opener and an even bigger heart-breaker. I'm pretty used to the fact that Cate doesn't meet a stranger. It's never really been an issue until today when I saw her interacting with the lifeguard. I think Jonathan would have been fit to be tied had he seen what Bethany and I saw. My jaw was on the ground the entire time that I was snapping pictures...I knew J would never believe me unless I had proof. She had the lifeguard at her beck and call, and all she had to do was point and give instructions and he did whatever she asked. I'm a little (ok, a lot) afraid of her teenage years. As soon as she can write her name I'll have her sign official documents stating that she won't date or marry until she's 45. Maybe 50. That's the only way I'll be able to sleep at night! HA!
She's doing everything possible to get his attention...

Ahh, finally!

He's asking which slide she wants to go down, and she's pointing...

Actually, just follow me over here. I think I'll take a look at the view before I slide...

Naturally, you can't go until you give the hunky lifeguard a quick wink...

And she's off...

She finally figured out that she went much faster like this...

Raise your hands if Point Mallard is your favorite place on Earth...

I think that's what she was saying as she was sliding her little heart out!


  1. I am laughing out loud! Bethany has been saying how much the boys would love Point Mallard. The boys and I must plan a day to come to PM! Looks like a ton of fun!

  2. So cute! That Cate is a mess! Now, I have left a comment so I better have some AOL greetings waiting for me!!!

  3. love those cute suits...and that cate is a mess..precious post!!

  4. Way to pick'em Cate!!!! I love it.

    Alison Todd
