Monday, June 22, 2009

Celebration Central!

We get just a tad bit excited at the thought of celebrating anything around here. Just give us a reason to celebrate (click each word) and see what happens. Furthermore, when it comes to birthdays, there's really no reason not to make a huge deal out of it. It's not hard to put forth effort to make someone feel special on their big day! In fact, there's really nothing we like more! So when J's birthday and Father's Day fell only a few days apart, it was enough to send us over the edge! I mean, we'll put a candle in anything for no reason at all...
See exhibit A from this morning when Towns begged to make brownies:

A pan full of brownies and candles for no reason at all other than we just think it's fun!
Back to J...
I think the 3 girls in our house would all unanimously agree that their Daddy is hands down the most fun, most loving, most crazy, most unsympathetic when you're hurt (be tough...right girls?!), most wonderful man ever and they wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Just seeing him with them and seeing how much he loves them with all of his heart is all I ever need to put a smile on my face. That's not even taking into consideration the fact that he's the best husband and best friend a girl could ever ask for!
See exhibit B, on his birthday I'm the one who got a little gift when he came home from work:

See what I mean?
We started off his birthday with a bang...we let him open his present because we couldn't wait until his party!

He got the watch he's wanted for a while - he deserved it!
When he left for work, the party prepping began...

The girls worked so hard, and Cate ate the fruits of their labor!

We had just enough left for the Happy Birthday candles...

B got to work and made Happy Birthday Daddy shirts...

And when J walked in the door we had a cheer (thanks to Head Cheerleader Bethany) ready and waiting that went a little something like this:
You're the best, we'll tell you why
(B holds up her sign and yells)
You're FUN
(Towns holds up her sign and yells)
You're CRAZY
(I hold up my sign and yell)
(Then we all flip our signs over and spell out)
And by this time his face is beet red, but it was so worth it!
We then led him to the kitchen for the party, but stopped to take a picture first...

We lit all 32 candles (I'm kidding) and he blew them out and made a wish (that he was lying on a beach on some tropical island with yours truly by his side, I'm quite sure - actually I'll bet he was wishing we wouldn't make such a big deal out of his birthday!!)...

And then the girls demolished his cupcakes...

We went to dinner, then Starbucks, and home to round out a great day for an even greater guy!

Father's Day was sunny and hot and J asked for only one thing...
A family trip to Point Mallard! Where else?!

We're still recovering from such a big weekend, but I can't think of a more fun person to celebrate!


  1. Who's the FIRST person to comment on your blog? Oh that's right, me! Now I think that I deserve an e-mail with a lot of AOL greetings. Don't you think so? Now if you have time to blog you have time to e-mail your sweet stepdaughter. (:

  2. What a cute and sweet post! The shirts you made for J's birthday are so cute..of course!

  3. So precious! love the tees! happy bday to J!!

  4. Just wondering if you awesome party planners could make it to MI before Friday to transform my house for my hubby's 30th???!!! What an awesome job your sweet girls did!

    Alison Todd
