Friday, August 14, 2009

Cattle Bling

Bethany started taking a gymnastics/cheer class this week to help her with tumbling, and since the class is an hour long I had to get the girls out of there to prevent a major scene. I was crazy enough to think we could wait there until B's class was over. Within 5 minutes of the class starting, Cate had bolted out of the parents waiting area and was underneath the parallel these Olympic looking girls were doing their routines. Not good. So I grabbed her to take her away as she's kicking and screaming 'nastics, nastics, nastics'. She was dead set that she should be involved in 'nastics' just like the rest of 'em! So we went straight to the car to find something to do until B's class was over. There's really nothing around the gym so I started down a little country road and spotted a stock yard. There are very few, if any, people I know who would think of a stock yard as entertainment, but the girls love animals so I knew it was golden. I pulled up to show them this...

And here's the conversation that followed...

Towns: Mommy! I never knew cows played dress up!
Me: What??
Towns: Well they're wearing earrings, so those have got to be the fanciest cows I've ever seen!
Me: unable to speak because I'm laughing so hard

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