Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Meet the Raiders

Last night we went to Meet the Raiders at the high school which totally took me back to the good old days in Andy! It was like a big pep rally...and I do love a good pep rally! I tried not to embarrass Bethany by stalking her with the camera, but I couldn't help it! All the moms in the stands with me had their huge cameras too, so I think we looked more like the paparazzi on the red carpet than fans there to cheer on the Raiders!
Here she is waiting to be introduced...

And mid-toe touch once they called her name...

Now that's talent...a super toe touch and a big smile on your face at the same time!
Great job, B!

One more round of pictures before I get back to my computer work...
Towns asked me if she could borrow my camera Monday afternoon to take pictures of Cate. And here's what she needed it for...

We had just made brownies and the pan I'd originally poured the batter in was too big, so I gave the girls a spoon and let them have at what was left after I switched it all around. I was busy doing something else because I knew that that much chocolate would keep them entertained for at least a minute or two. Towns wasn't overly interested in it (shocker), but Cate obviously was!
She was pretty serious about getting all she could before she got caught...

She's trying to turn the pan around thinking she'll get more from the other side...

Please notice the batter in her hair! I let it go on for far too long and once she was covered from head to toe I had to get control of myself and snap back into mom mode. I took it away from her to clean her up, which didn't make for a happy baby...

Bless her heart! What kind of mom takes a picture like that of her devastated child?? Me! The mom who secretly wishes it was me who had a face full of chocolate and could get away with licking a pan like that!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my what a sweet baby is her hair red? Being a good mom is letting your kids enjoy life and it looks as if you are a good mom. You can always wash them and their clothes that's my theme for life with my darling granddaughters.
