Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 1st Day of School Party

I think we invented this one, so don't expect it to be coming to a Party City near you!
Towns and I decided last night before bed that we needed to throw Bethany a 'Happy 1st Day of School Party' since she started 8th grade today. Getting a party together at the drop of a hat is old news for Towns since she does it every other day or so around here, so we were up bright and early this morning to get B's new school year kicked off...
We baked school bus cookies (cheesy, I know)...

If you know Cate, you know she ate while we worked. And then she was so kind to offer me her half-eaten cookie...

We blew up balloons and made a sign, and there you have it...

Our 1st annual Happy 1st Day of School Party!
She and her mom went in search of the perfect outfit to start school in and if there was a best dressed on the 1st day of school award, I'm pretty sure she'd win it...

We all hopped in the car and took her to school. The girls were having a fit to go with Jonathan to drop her off, and I ended up going to be on embarrassment patrol! J loves to act crazy to embarrass her. Jonathan? Crazy? I know that's exactly what you're thinking. Not him. Please tell me you can sense the sarcasm? We managed to make it all the way to the front of the drop-off line without any major mis-haps. She got out and we said our goodbyes and then at the last minute J rolled down his window and mine and called her name as she was walking off so she'd turn around. He said 'HURRY, get a picture' and I did. All the while the principal who was standing there was almost falling over because he was laughing so hard. Just for the record, I'm sorry B! Your daddy made me do it! :) But you really look like you should be in one of those 'caught in the act' photos in Us Mag...and that's a compliment! HA!

We hope you had a GREAT first day!

And we can't wait to hear ALL about it!!!
(And maybe you had all 7 classes with cute science boy...a girl can dream, right?)


  1. Yall crack me up with all your celebrations!! :) Bethany sure looked cute of her 1st day!!

  2. Talk about had a party with a banner and balloons!!! You are such a fun mom!
