Sunday, August 9, 2009

Too Hot to Handle

I'm not brave enough to tackle the heat and play outside with the girls in the middle of the day. Give me a pool and I'd do it in a heartbeat, but all we have are 2 big oak trees which doesn't really cut it most of the time! So we've done a lot of standing inside, staring at the outside wishing that Fall would come already! But last Thursday there was a fantastic breeze and we couldn't get out there fast enough. I never get tired of our girls and their imaginations, and they are such a trip to be with. This particular day, they were into drawing our family and I got a kick out of how they drew everyone...
Towns drew Jonathan:

I drew Cate:
(with her orange pigtails that look like she's got broomsticks coming out of her ears...oops!)

Bethany drew me:

And then I drew these two:

Once Towns saw B as a cheerleader, that's what she wanted to look like too (in Auburn colors, of course)!
And B decided to draw something a little different...

Want to take a guess at what it is? It's supposed to be a before and after of me. Go on, take a stab at it! And keep dreaming, Bet!!!
While we were outside, she serenaded us with her new, favorite Miley song...

That was the part of the song that says something about getting your hands up, and by this time Cate was up from her nap and was very much into participating in the outdoor concert. She was so serious about it, can you tell?

Yes, she's wearing Towns' old clothes to play'd think her mama would get her clothes of her own, right?!

And if that's not enough, someone cover that poor child's diaper! We don't always live like rednecks, I promise! Oh wait, maybe we do! :)
Let's divert the attention away from bare bottoms and on to more fun pictures...

Towns has gotten into tracing things lately, so she totally took over my sidewalk chalk drawings and put her mark on hair for Bet and green hair for herself!

Then she traced the words over and over again...

One of my favorites...
(If only I was focused on her face and not the ivy in the background! Maybe you could help me, Sixty? Since you're the PRO, you know!)

And then there's this one and I'm not really sure what she was doing here, but it made me laugh! She SO incredibly ready for Fall and I think she was enjoying every second of the cool breeze or something...who knows with that chick! She's pretty funny...

Hope you're soaking up the last little bit of summer!
Obviously, we're doing just that at our house!


  1. So cute! Ok, so I left you a comment so you go comment on mine! You owe me two!

  2. I need to know more about that before and after???

  3. Oh I think I know EXACTLY what that picture means! :) Does the picture B sent you from Name Dropper have anything to do with it???? That girl!

  4. Yes, the Namedropper picture most certainly does have something to do with it! She's a persuasive little thing, and she knows my weaknesses! HA!

  5. Okay, I think I know what that picture means too. Is she just trying to persuade you or is there something we need to know?!?!?! And yes, I can help you make the ivy look fuzzy in the back! HA!

  6. Oooohhhh no, nothing new to report...I can ASSURE you of that!! She's got the itch and we're not scratching it! HA!
