Monday, September 28, 2009

Birthday Girl

Cate's big day last Thursday was a super fun day, and we were so thankful that in the midst of two weeks of rain she had a sunny birthday! Things didn't work out quite as well Saturday when we were planning on celebrating with friends and family at the park, but that's my next post!

We woke sleeping beauty by parading into her room with balloons which was just perfect for her...the girl loves balloons!

We immediately let her open her presents before Bebby had to rush off to school...

Surprisingly enough, she hasn't really gotten into opening presents. So Bethany and Towns did the job for her!

She got lots of new shoes...she's been obsessed with shoes since before she could talk. Even when she was tiny that would be the first thing she'd think about in the mornings. I would get her out of her bed and she'd lay her head on my shoulder and let me love on her for a split second...then she'd get down, go to her closet and find a pair of shoes (never mis-matched!) and bring them to me to put on her feet. Needless to say, she was thrilled with opening shoes on her birthday! And the thing about Cate is that one pair of shoes lasts approximately 3 minutes before she's moved onto the next pair...

Case in point...

After all the excitement of opening everything, it was play time!
Towns played hostess at the tea party...

Next up? Playing with the dress-up ballerina puzzle...

Afterwards, the birthday princess made her way to her throne for breakfast...

She was so surprised to see such a sight!
And then Daddy came in with a cat (that belongs to the neighbors) and told Cate that he'd gotten it for her for her birthday...

She's an animal lover if there ever was one, but this she wasn't too thrilled about!
The girls and I headed to the neighborhood park after breakfast to enjoy the weather...

Towns has mastered the monkey bars...

And is always all smiles when she looks back and sees that she made it all the way!

This face is so funny...Cate's asking me if she can 'fip' on the bars and I think she's wondering if she's sure she's ready for it!

I told her to have at it! Birthday girls can do whatever they want, right? As long as it doesn't end with a broken bone, I'm good with it!

Towns found a flower and gave it to Cate...

After B got home from school and Cate got up from her nap, we let her have her last present...

A pink motorcycle with a side car for her baby doll! We haven't tried it out on the open road (sidewalk) yet, only indoors. But now that the rain has given us a break we'll have to take it for a spin!
Cate's trying out her bubble lawn mower...

While her sister hams it up for the camera...

We ended the big day with B's football game. This is what Cate did the entire time...

She did every single cheer with the cheerleaders and after each cheer she threw her hands up and yelled 'go RaiDERRRS' which was quite possibly the funniest thing we've ever seen. She had two whole sets of bleachers cheering more for her than for the football team!
Between the 7th grade game and the 8th grade game, the cheerleaders got introduced and did a dance. Here's B running to the front of the field as they called her name...

We always love going to B's ballgames!

And we especially love birthdays!
Hope your day was a fun for you as it was for us, Cate-Cate!
(And thanks JM for the picture!!)

1 comment:

  1. looks like an extra FUN birthday...little catebug is growing up...LOVE the pink shoes!FANCY.....
