Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Love It!!

Have I told you lately how much I love these people? Well, I do. A lot. We're in the car right now on the way home from Panera Bread (blogging from an iphone isn't an easy task) and life couldn't get much better. We went our separate ways this afternoon - dancing and gymnastics for Towns, football game for Bethany, Daddy duty for J, and a zoning board meeting for me. And afterwards we all met back at home so we could go to dinner together. We're on the way home now and I'm listening to Bet and Towns sing Party in the USA at the top of their lungs. Cate's laughing at them. J & I are in the front seat enjoying every second of it. It just really makes me blissfully happy when we're all together like this. It makes for a great mood. Maybe it's the cool weather that excites me. Or maybe it's just because I love these clowns I'm in the car with more than life itself!

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