Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I thrive on a routine. I don't function so well when I'm out of it. I've had a ton of work to do (I dream about t-shirt orders at night, and I wish I was joking) which means a lot of time spent in front of the computer. That doesn't really make for happy children, and I try so very hard to work only when the girls are at mother's day out or asleep. Cate's so young that she doesn't understand why I'm always at the computer, but Towns does and she doesn't like it at all. We've had the "let's be thankful that your Mommy is able to stay at home while she works" conversation a hundred times, but it's still no fun what so ever to her that I can't devote 100% of my time to her all day, every day. So back to the routine part. Towns loves to color, write, type, etc. and lately while Cate's down for a nap I work and Towns plays 'shop' and feels so important. She takes orders and types it all out. She'll color a for a while and then go back to order-taking. The piano stool is her desk, and we hope Bebby doesn't mind that we borrow her laptop every afternoon! As soon as she sees me getting ready to lay Cate down, she heads to our work station. She's a routine girl, just like her mama! She knows the drill!

This is what our afternoons look like...

She looks like she's concentrating so hard! And Blazer, Towns refuses to use anything but the Ocean Reef koozie to hold her colored pencils! She thinks it's the greatest thing ever! Little does she know that it takes me back and makes me wish I WAS THERE!!!
It's been raining all week long so we've done a lot of this...

And this...

And we've had a blast just sitting in the floor playing and being silly (we've perfected the silly part!)...

One last funny one...

This was yesterday before B went to school. I have no idea what Towns' face is all about, but the funny part is that Cate had her hands on her face and when I asked her to put her arms down this is what she did! We'll have to work on that! :)


  1. I swear I dont know how you do it, but you seem to make it all so fun while you do! What precious girls! Love amd miss you!

  2. Love that Towns will only use the Ocean Reef koozie.....I agree with her, it makes the perfect pencil holder! All of your girls are so adorable!

  3. So cute! I want you to do my toes! They are adorable! I miss y'all!
