Monday, September 14, 2009

We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do!

Are you doing that cheer in your head now?? Talk about spirit...we've had an over abundance of it in the last few days. Bethany's 1st pep rally and a trip to the Halloween Costume Warehouse have been the source of good times around here! Jonathan and I both agreed that we're officially old. The pep rally music was entirely too loud and there's no way anyone's ear drums survived! :) It was perfect for middle schoolers, though, and the cheerleaders did a great job of getting everyone fired up about the football game that night. The lights were off most of the time and the girls wore glow in the dark sunglasses. And when they started dancing to "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" all of us oldies in the crowd went wild! HA! Not sure if anyone under the age of 30 knew what was going on, but it was all good because they were just glad to be out of class for the last 45 minutes of school!

It was so nice Thursday night at the was almost chilly which makes me one happy lady!
Game time!

B almost got taken out by a football player...

The girls were in heaven since there were tumbling mats out. They parked it on the mats and did handstands until they both were about to fall out!

Bebby and Cate...

It is way too cute how Towns and Cate look at Bethany like she's a celebrity when she's cheering at the games. They think she's pretty special! Can't imagine why!
Saturday morning, Jonathan took the girls to the costume store while B got ready to go to Bridge Street with a friend. You never know what they'll come home with when they go places with their Daddy...

I'll be doing my own costume shopping come Halloween! But I was rolling in the floor laughing so hard at Cate in this get-up. It was beyond hysterical!
And can I say thank you times infinity to the most thoughtful girl ever? B spent Saturday shopping with a friend and this is the only thing she came home with...

She bought me a little treat! It doesn't get much sweeter than that, my friends!


  1. Ummm... did you have to put those bunk pictures of me on your blog????? (: Will you please let Cate be a devil for Halloween?? She looks so cute in that costume! I know you want them to be all cutsey and match, but Cate looks so cute in the devil costume! And Towns looks SO ah-dorable in her witch costume!!! Hope you had a great day. I wouldn't know if you did or not though because you didn't twitter!!

  2. What bunk pictures??? I thought they were all cute, thank you very much! And I don't recall seeing a bad picture of you....ever. Neither does the CSB. He told me. And he also told me that your highlighter is his most prized possession. I'm pretty sure you won't be getting that one back! Awwwww! Love you peach!
