Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1950's House Wife

As I was on my way to drop the girls off at school this morning, the radio was on which is a rarity in our car. Usually I'm listening to the popular DVD of the moment (even though I said I'd never let the DVD player take over). So as we're driving, the guy on the radio says he has a home ec text book from 1950 in front of him and wants us to hear the top ten roles of a wife because we'd all find it hysterical. My curiosity got the best of me and after he was done with his list, I wanted to phone in and ask him a few things (or tell him a few things, rather) or either reach through the radio and hand him a Bible. The things he found so ridiculous were all the roles the Bible lays out for women, give or take a few. What's so wrong with that? The lady who did phone in right after he got done took care of everything I wanted to tell the guy, and I'm glad she did! I so wish we could get back to simpler times. I'm not so sure I wouldn't rather be living in the 50's...but with cell phones!

We're headed to my good ol' hometown this afternoon. I'm taking Smitten on the road and going to a Christmas Bazaar. Should be fun! And the girls are excited to get some time with my brother (5) and sister (10). It's always a zoo when we're all together, but we wouldn't have it any other way!
A few pictures before I go...
The other morning Cate was asking Towns if she was cold...

She said yes, so Cate tried to warm her sweet!

And yesterday we took our lunch outside and enjoyed the sunshine...

We also got into the sidewalk chalk and bubbles...

Cate and Pink played 'ride a little horsey' for a while before she tried to sing her to sleep...

But Pink didn't cooperate too very long! Imagine that!!
B we'll miss you the next few days...
By the time you'll be reading this, we'll be headed south.
Take care of your daddy while we're gone! :)
Please do lots of this or I'll have withdrawals...

With your phone permanently attached to your hand that shouldn't be a problem, right? :)
These two birds and I will miss you much...

Good luck at the game tomorrow'll be fabulous, I just know it!!

1 comment:

  1. I was reading it thinking you were going to give us the Top Ten... still waiting. ;) You'll have to fill me in. And you are a brave woman leaving those two to their own devices! My oh my what your house may look like when you get home. But fun will be had I'm sure. Have fun at the Bizarre - I have no doubts Smitten will be a success!
