Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'll Be Seeing You... year sometime!

We've got our hands full around here...

I really love my blog, but {gasp}... might be taking a backseat for a while.
Maybe you'd like a picture to remember us by?

Sixty and AK...I wish you were here so we could kick it into high gear!! You know I need you.
I'll clothe your children in return, I promise!


  1. I could just cry. We will be missing you! God, I wish I could come to Decatur and do some organizing. Anything would be fine. Just some stacks of papers or something. Boohooo!!

  2. TT,
    You know I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to help you with anything. I am still ready and waiting to help you with shirts.

  3. You know I will do anything to help! This is RIGHT up my alley!! I love yall!

  4. I always love your blog (sad want have new stuff to read about the kids). You know that I am free most days (cause dont have a full time job on M,W, F) if I ever need to help you with anything please let me know.

  5. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unacceptable! You must find time, you just must - pretty please, with a Red Bull and strawberry Rip Roll on top! ;)
