Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ok, I Give...

I don't prioritize like I should. That's no secret. So when I decided that sitting in front of the computer telling you every move we make wasn't the best use of my time, well, I was just kidding myself. I enjoy it way too much! Who knew one could be this attached to a blog? I think it's because I know that one day this could be what my children look back at to know what life was like when they were little. So for now I'll just have to find other things to cut out of my day to make more time for blogging, right?? Or I could just stay up until all hours of the night to fit it all in. That sounds more like it...

Last Wednesday all the girls were out of school for Veteran's Day, so we got dolled up and went to the Skate Castle to meet all of our friends. On the way out the door, I gave it my best shot to get a picture of them. Have I mentioned before how hard it is to make that happen?
Prime example:

And the other morning before church I was making the same attempt. I told Cate to lean towards Bethany and Towns and here's what she did...

She's something else! She didn't want to participate in the photo op, but these two did...

Towns has really been learning a lot lately, and takes every opportunity possible to practice her writing...

Can you tell what it says? Cate's learned to spell her name, and I have to get that on video pronto!
I'm rather behind since taking a break and I don't believe I've given a recap of our trip to the pumpkin patch. It's been a tradition for us to go to the Grand Ol' Pumpkin Patch in Clanton, and this year we tried a new one for the first time in at least four years. It had more to offer than what we were used to, but it just wasn't the same. We all agreed that we'll be back in Clanton come next Fall!
Never the less, a good time was had by all...

Everyone was content with trains, horses, etc. until they spotted the cool thing in the top left corner of this picture...

And that was all she wrote! We had to go get in line immediately!

Towns and Bethany waited patiently for their turn, but Cate was none too thrilled that she wasn't big enough to jump. So between B letting her wear her sunglasses and J showing her that her pockets could be stuffed full of dollar bills, we kept her occupied and out of meltdown mode!

Who knew money in your pocket could be so funny?

Towns got harnessed in and ready to go...

While B was waiting ever so sweetly for her turn...

She flipped like crazy once she had a shot at it...

Towns couldn't leave the pumpkin patch satisfied until she had her face painted (by the woman with the biggest ring in history)...

One happy chick...

We're getting into the holiday spirit these days...surprise, surprise! We kicked it off with the Polar Express and hot chocolate a few weeks ago...

We would have been watching the 3D version had the glasses not been made to fit a head the size of a basketball! :) The regular version did the trick, though. If I remember correctly Cate and I were the only ones still awake to see the end of it. Every party needs a pooper, right girlies??
We tried it again the other night by taking a family trip to the movies for A Christmas Carol. Big mistake. B had her eyes closed the whole time because it was a little scary, Cate and Towns were scared out of their minds so they, too, had their eyes closed and eventually fell asleep, I was in and out, and J was the only one who watched the whole thing! Other than the last 5 minutes of the movie, it was the worst one I'd seen in a while. Bummer! But we gave it a go!
Don't want to end on a depressing movie review, so let's talk about the fact that B will be the big 1-4 in three more days!! Party time!!!!!


  1. HA! I knew you couldn't stand it! 3 more days! I cannot believe my baby will be 14! Cute cute pics!
