Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Festivities

Last Wednesday, Towns had a Thanksgiving Feast at school which was a special treat. The whole family was invited, but since J was in Destin for work I had to go alone...he was sad about missing it and Towns was equally as sad that he wasn't there. But she has performed Five Fat Turkeys a million and one times since then, so he definitely feels as if he were there! When I walked in, I was directed to my spot. There were two families to each table, and thankfully we were sitting with Towns' good friend Emma. Her mom was the only one from their family able to come, too, so we had a big ol' table for just the four of us!
This was what was on our table...

And I couldn't look at the whole 'Marvelous Me' book because I was tearing up after the first couple of pages. There were questions they had to answer about all of their favorites. I loved reading all of her answers, and when I got to the line where she put her favorite person was Mommy I just had to close it and tell myself that in order not to look like an emotional disaster, I'd wait until I got home to finish it!
The whole class sang Thanksgiving songs on stage...

And then Mrs. Glenda went down the line and asked everyone to name one thing they were thankful for. Towns said rainbows! They studied Noah a while back and I guess she had it on her mind!
We had a nice lunch followed by everyone running around like wild Indians...

Love this one...

And Cate's class had a little Thanksgiving party, but with this crew it takes major effort to get them all together for a picture to commemorate the event...

Brock never has to worry about being taken care of when he's at school. He's got three ladies who adore him and treat him like a king!
Friday was B's birthday and little did she know she had a surprise in store for her! It's so hard to pull anything over on her and she says she doesn't like surprises, but I beg to differ! We headed to B'ham for lunch at Tavern at the Summit - she thought we were stopping for a quick birthday lunch before I dropped her off with her mom for the weekend. But her mom met us there and surprised her! We made mental wish lists at Saks before seeing a New Moon matinee, and after being dead set on never thinking I'd like it, I have to admit that I loved it! I never saw Twilight and thought the whole idea was ridiculous. But since it was B's birthday I went in with an open mind and was determined to enjoy it. And I did! So for the record, were right and I was wrong! I'm wondering how I came home with not a single picture from the whole day. Hmmm.
We spent most of the weekend outside...

The ice cream truck paid us a visit Saturday morning right before lunch...the ice cream man must have known that our children would prefer massive popcicles over a real meal any day.

J built a fire late Saturday and we roasted marshmellows...

Surprisingly, the girls just liked roasting them and not so much eating them. J & I took care of that, though. You can't let things like that go to waste!

Sunday was rainy and cold, so after church we played hard indoors...

And now we're finally and officially on Thanksgiving break...loving this time of year!!


  1. I know - no pictures? How did that happen? It was fun anyway! And I think we'll have a fire tonight just to roast marshmallows and have s'mores! YUM!

  2. Tell B I am so with her! I could not put the Twilight books down, and yes VLD talked me into a midnight showing. I know I'm crazy :) Loved the Feast pics, yall have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Glad you are back to the blogging world! Missed you! Oh, and Blair has the same little owl outfit that Towns has on in these pics! Gotta love them owls!
