Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We've had the best week and have seized the opportunity to realize how much we have to be thankful for! We spent a very relaxing Thanksgiving at home this year which was just what the doctor ordered. We missed seeing all of our family on the holiday, but it was so incredibly nice just to be still. I've been convicted lately of being way too busy and on-the-go to stop and enjoy everything around me. Family, friends, life in general. As a result in taking a little time off, my timliness in my work has suffered. But I know it will be alright. The verse "be still and know that I am God" has gone through my head repeatedly, and it's not just coincidence. So Thanksgiving was a special time for me. I fully enjoyed J and the girls, and I'm one happy lady.
Something else that makes me happy...

The other night as the girls were going to sleep I caught Towns playing the loving sister role to Cate, which was quite possibly the most precious thing I've ever seen...

Here she's telling me how sweet Bug's little hands are...

She totally disregarded the fact that Buggy was sound asleep and thought a bottle was exactly what she needed...

We've had to come up with fun, new ideas to keep the girls entertained with Bebby gone all week. J is the king of crazy fun and came up with this one which provided hours of laughs...

A battery operated vehicle, a box, and some rope...and voila! Instant (dangerous) fun!

Everyone still has their limbs in tact, so all is well!

The church service this morning kicked our Christmas spirit into high gear. I get chills every single time I read the Christmas story in the book of Luke. The sermon was on the Gospel according to Mary, which is the first in a series for December. And I'm never any less amazed by it all. Bethany and I were showing each other our favorite verses in the Bible not too long ago, and we got on the subject of the birth of Jesus. She asked me to show her where it was in the Bible, so I did and I read it to her. We all know the story, but there's just something about reading it from Luke. Wouldn't you agree?

After church, we had lunch and went on the search for a Christmas tree. Our tree always comes from the same spot...we love tradition! We take the same pictures every year which makes it fun to go back and look at how much everyone changes from year to year. And J wonders why we have to have 10,000+ pictures on our computer! HA!
It was meant for us to have this tree...

It was the first one we picked up, and I almost caught myself missing the 45 minute heated discussions that ensue every year when we all have our own opinions on what our tree should look like! :)
It was way too easy this time around!
Speaking of easy...pretending like she's 16 comes easy to Bethany! It won't be long, B!

And two little girls went into hysterics because they thought she was leaving them. When she got out, they both ran full speed to her like they haven't seen her in five years...

I believe they missed you a tad bit while you were gone, B!
We've got to be the only people in history to turn buying a Christmas tree into a family picture extravaganza...

We follow a strict dress code when shopping for a Christmas tree. Can you tell? J sweet talked his way out of wearing a gray dress...he's lucky I like him so much!

I'm the only person in the family who likes pictures, and since everyone was ready and willing to cooperate today without the wailing and gnashing of teeth I couldn't let the opportunity pass!

We clowned around in the car while J paid for our tree...

Cate was giving me her best fake smile ever, right before she found out how much fun it is to make faces at herself in the mirror...

As soon as we got home, Towns and I headed to Mary Reese's tea party to celebrate her 5th birthday...which was just as fun for us moms to watch as it was for the girls to participate in!

The girls were so fancy...quite the little ladies!

Thanks for having us, MR!
And I'll end on a Christmas-y note...after major furniture rearranging, the tree is up! It's in a new spot this year, and we'll wait and see how well we handle the change. We're creatures of habit! The girls really wanted it in the window by the piano where it's always been, but the computer got in the way this year. I told them Santa wouldn't have nearly as far to take their presents since the tree was right beside the chimney...and that has satisfied them for now!

We're already planning a tree decorating party for Tuesday night...J and the girls are voting for the massive colored lights, and I'm a fan of classic white. I already know who's going to win.
And it isn't me!!
Whatever makes them happy...


  1. What a precious post! Loved it all (and your dress too!) :) Aren't traditions the best!

  2. Christmas story out of the book of Luke is definitely my favorite too! Daddy reads it every Christmas Eve and Mama reads the Polar Express. :) Going to get my tree after work today! yea!
