Monday, November 2, 2009


Trick-or-treating was a blast this year with the girls...I didn't stress over their costumes and we weren't rushing around trying to make sure everything was just perfect. I'm a perfectionist to a fault. I want everything just so, and as our girls get older and so do I, I'm realizing that most things aren't worth sweating over. When Towns nor Cate wanted to wear what I had laid out for them to trick-or-treat in, we just went with it.

(Cate already had a mouth full of candy and we hadn't even left the house yet!)
Towns threw on leggings, ballet flats, and my old red dress up cape from when I was her age and called herself Little Red Riding Hood.
Cate's costume was designed 100% around these...

She had been wearing them all afternoon and majorly protested when I tried to take them off of her, so I got out Towns' Halloween costume from when she was 2 and voila...Cate was a fairy!
Before we set out, I found J and Towns hiding in the bushes trying to scare people...

They're such pranksters!

A few pictures with Mom and Dad, then we were off!

This was the first year Cate really understood what was going on, and she couldn't make it down the sidewalk for stopping to do this every two seconds...

She was holding up traffic, so this is how most of the trick-or-treating went...

But sometimes I stayed behind with her because Towns wanted her Daddy...

We walked around most of the neighborhood and Cate was a champ at hoofing it in heels. The girls started out being a little apprehensive about walking up to houses, but it didn't take long for them to catch on!
One of us went with them the first few times...

And then they were on their own...

This one is funny to me. Cate had a 5 minute conversation with this man about his dog and then proceeded to tell him all about our family. Towns was long gone by this point, but Cate wanted to stay around and chat...

Poor Towns did a lot of this all night...

Waiting for her candy-loving, socialite of a little sister! She really couldn't make it from house to house very quickly because she was too wrapped up in seeing what candy she wanted to eat next and talking to everyone passing by!
We hit the neighborhood Mexican restaurant before heading home which was icing on the cake for the girls. Surprisingly enough, when we got home they put down their pumpkins and didn't even want to pour everything out in the floor and survey their goods like they usually do! That was saved for Sunday morning breakfast...HA! I'm sure their Sunday School teachers really appreciated the sugar rush!
They were so tired, they went straight for the bed...

They laughed a whole lot before they fell asleep together...

We were all worn out after a night o' fun!


  1. Your girls are BEAUTIFUL! I love reading about your sweet family.

  2. Gosh "Wownsy" reminds me of B at that age!

  3. Love the last shot. I almost missed you "konked out" in that picture ;)

  4. Are they seriously asleep like that?!?! I love that Cate is lingering of the porch chatting it up, and Towns is like, lets MOVE ON Sister!

  5. I absolutely love Cate's heels for trick or treating!!! Now that's the way to do it in style. Looks like y'all had a great night!!!
