Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall & The All About Me Bag

Somehow in the craziness that is my life, I've forgotten to make a big deal out of the best day of Towns' life (or so she said)! At school each child in the class gets the All About Me Bag to take home and fill with all their favorite things that tell the class a little bit about them. Towns has been waiting since school started in September for that bag and I think her little heart was sad every time it went home with someone else besides her. But a couple of weeks ago Mrs. Glenda gave her the bag to bring home, and I knew by the look on her face when I picked her up that she was the happiest child on Earth! You might recall how excited she got over having to decorate the little person to look like her for homework...well, that excitement times fifty is a good description of her that day!
She picked out everything she wanted to put in it...

Tap shoes, ballet shoes, gymnastics 'liptard', her Bible, her book of Bible stories, her favorite twisty colored pencils, a picture she drew of her family, her princess camera, two favorite books, sprinkles and a cookie cutter since she loves to bake, her lovey, and the Madame Alexander doll I had when I was little that she loves to play with - wearing a tutu, of course!
All packed and ready to go...

She had to include a picture of her when she was a baby and also a picture of her family so she could tell the class about sweet!
An added bonus is bringing something to show that starts with the letter of the week. Since P was the letter that week, she wanted to take Pink!
Cue the madness. Imagine 15 four year olds in one small classroom + their reactions to seeing a PUPPY at SCHOOL! I think Pink is scarred for life! :)

Before we took Pink in, we listened outside the door as she was telling the class about everything she'd brought. Mrs. Michelle was sweet enough to take pictures for me...

What a fun day!!
Pink might have been traumatized by Towns' classmates, but it was nothing compared to having to ride in the carseat with Cate all the way home...

We've been gearing up for Halloween and enjoying the fall weather this week...

The girls went like this to church Wednesday night and a friend asked if we'd been to a fall festival. Nope! We do things like this for no reason at all, other than it's just fun!

Last weekend, the girls made sprinkle-covered caramel apples. They really love to be in the kitchen, so we're constantly trying to find something new to cook up. I figured since Fall is upon us, caramel apples were perfect!

Everything is a little more exciting when you add these...

Cate usually has her own way of doing things, and this time it included covering the counter in sprinkles as opposed to her apple...

And apparently, sprinkles make water a little more exciting to drink...

Ahhh, now that's delish!

After the caramel apple fun, we dove into chocolate-covered pretzels. Actually, first the girls dove into the white chocolate chips! Thank goodness they'd washed their hands...

Last night, we had a Halloween party because Bethany is going to be at her mom's this weekend. We didn't want to leave her out, so naturally we had to celebrate before she leaves!
For some reason, these are the only pictures I have...

That's probably because I had pizza and Halloween brownies right in front of me!
Happy Halloween!
We'll miss trick-or-treating with you, B! Have fun this weekend!


  1. Isn't Halloween the best! I just love it! This year our entourage of golf carts and hay rides will consist of 10-12 adults and over 20 children trick-or-treating. Madness! :)

  2. Love the pic of Cate with Pink in the car seat...precious!

  3. That picture still makes me laugh! Cate bug is a mess! Hope y'all have a super fun halloween!
