Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas, Christmas, and MORE Christmas!

Every year I say Christmas couldn't possibly get any better. And then this happens...

Cate's screaming because she wants to ride in the back...

If the big guy knew what was good for him, he'd keep his distance!

Trip to the park on a freezing Christmas Eve Eve...the girls insisted on ditching their shoes!

Santa left a trampoline on Christmas was too big to fit in the sleigh and he must have known that Christmas Eve is a looong day!

The girls were in heaven to wake up and look out the window to find such a surprise...

We baked peanut butter and Hershey kiss cookies to leave for Santa. Cate worked diligently to unwrap them while I caught Towns sneaking a few for herself...

After the candlelight service at church, the girls searched the fridge for carrots to leave for the reindeer...

Cate had the job of carrying Santa's cookies to the fireplace...Towns was mad that she didn't take her duties very seriously and they were all in the floor before we left the kitchen, but they were good anyway. Or so Santa says!

Can you say overboard? I call it blessed beyond measure...

Running into the living room on Christmas morning...

The look on Towns' face when she realized she missed seeing her new bike...

Little mama loves her new gold shoes. The new gold shoes that should have been Bethany's had I ordered an adult size 6 and not a toddler size 6. Go figure...

The girls got babies that look just like them...except with a sunburn! Santa ordered fair skin babies. Not sure what happened!

Totally uninterested in opening presents...J unwrapped them all and held everything up so they could see what they got!

Daddy reading the letter Santa left...along with 2 jingle bells from his sleigh!

"Shelf" Towns...

At Grandmommy & Pop's Christmas afternoon...

Bethany couldn't wait to dig in to her presents...and I love her face when she opens them!

Ghetto fabulous Coach tennis shoes...

Bethany wanted Cate...Cate wanted Grandmommy!

The Coke and chocolate had worn off and it was time to wind it on down...

We were incredibly blessed with such a wonderful Christmas, and even though the presents were fun we ALWAYS remember that the birth of Jesus Christ is real reason we celebrate Christmas!

Hope yours was merry & bright!
We're off to visit family in Mississippi for a few days, and being that we're leaving in about 8 hours I better start packing!!


  1. How did we miss that fabulous Santa at Bridgestreet? We walked that entire place! The gold shoes are my fav!

  2. Hi Tara! I don't think I've ever commented before, although I've been reading for a while. I love how you make simple things seem like an "adventure" for your girls! I also thought we might be the only ones who have a "Grandmommy"!

  3. LOVE their faces as they're running in to see what Santa brought - priceless! Don't you just love it! Cute cute pics of my Boo too! Can't wait to see the pictures from Mississippi!

  4. You're family is so dog gone cute! I love reading your blog. Happy New Year Sista! Love you.
