Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tis the Season!

This could possibly be the longest post in the history of blogging. Around this time every year, it's non-stop which means lots to report!
Where to begin...
Last Tuesday after B's very last cheer practice of the year (yay!), the girls dove into a major project...

The annual gingerbread house construction party!
B had exams to study for, so she didn't stick around to help for long and the girls didn't mind taking care of the icing and candy in her absence...

This is what happens when you don't let your icing dry because of a lack of patience and the house inevitably falls apart...

But Daddy put it back together when he got home from running...

Towns also had her last dancing class of the year last week, and I decided that it would be fun to get all the dancers dolled up and put on a show for the parents...

DJ Bebby Bebs in the background...

Cate and Lilly Beth were such supportive little sisters...

Wednesday Towns' class invited a parent to come help make gingerbread houses and have a little Christmas party...

We had a table full of this...

Along with a table full of anxious little girls...

We started with 2 milk cartons...

And ended up with this...

Party time!

Mrs. Glenda and Mrs. Michelle gave all the kids sweet teddy bears...

They all sat in their circle and sang lots of Christmas songs for us...

While us moms were like paparazzi!

Saturday J and I made our way to Tuscaloosa (the forbidden territory for me) to his best friend Bradley's wedding...

I feel like Bradley is family. He's spent many a night with us during duck season! And he hasn't complained the first time about sleeping under a hot pink bedspread...ha!

It was great to get dressed up and have a night out. Grandmommy came to keep an eye on the girls while we were gone which is always a treat.
All these pics were taken with my iphone in a dimly lit room, so they're not the best. But I would sooner die than take the big ol' Nikon into a wedding reception because that would surely make J run for the nearest exit!!

Sunday after a great church service, we had lunch and J got the girls out and about while I tackled these...

That's always a monumental undertaking! I got them all wrapped and got everyone fed in time for us all to catch The Nativity Story Sunday night. It's always one of our Christmas favorites. I've been looking for it because I intended to buy it, but it just so happened to be on TV. Towns was going to town with her blue crayon and a notebook, and I was sure that there was no way she was really drawing anything because she couldn't see much by the light of the television. I was wrong...

There you have Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus in the stable. Complete with the big star in the sky. I'll be keeping that one forever!

Last night we decorated the last tree in the house that needed some color on it...

After dinner, we hopped in the car and rode around to look at Christmas lights...

And when we got home, a certain junk food junkie dug into this...

Only 3 more days 'til Christmas...

We're ready...can you tell?!


  1. WHOOP WHOOP! First comment! I am SOOOOOO ready for Christmas!! I cannot wait to see what all you have in store for me! This year I really have no clue! I am so proud of the girls for seeing Santa! Maybe you could try a mall trip now that they are warming up to the idea?!?!
