Monday, December 7, 2009

An Early White Christmas

Saturday morning we woke up to this...

We don't get snow very often, so when we do it's major excitement!
We bundled up and headed outside...

Cate was trying her best to throw snowballs, but all she could get was dirt and leaves!
Maybe one day she can see real snow, but for now we'll take what we can get...

By the time the snow had melted, Grandmommy and Pop had arrived so we could help Grandmommy celebrate her birthday. She's one of the girls' favorite people in the world (mine too!), so we were glad we got to be with her on her birthday...

Unfortunately, the only other birthday picture I have is with a green balloon covering up Grandmommy blowing out her candle...thanks B! HA!

Sunday we went to Christmas on Church Street at our church, which was just as great as it is every year. It was a packed house, and everyone there had to have left even more in the Christmas spirit than when they came. There was no way not to! These people, along with the choir and orchestra, did an amazing job! Have I mentioned that I love this time of year? Can I say it again? I love Christmas!!


  1. Thank goodness B was there! She would have been ILL if she would've missed out on the snow! ;) I know Grandmommy appreciated the celebration. She's a jewel.

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