Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Heaven Help Me!

Just out of curiosity...

Say you have a 2 year old who is quite a pistol. And say, perhaps, that she's been told to keep her hands away from the ceramic Nativity scene...oh, maybe 74 times a day. And just for fun, let's say that she disregards the fact that she's ever heard those words uttered in her presence and captures a wise man every so often. I can live with that. It's pretty tempting. But let's go a little further and say that she brings you this fellow here and tells you that it's Lady Gaga...

What would you do?
Start praying?
That's what I thought, too.


  1. I am laughing out loud right now!!! What a mess! Just explain, the wise men were proabably dancing and singing for joy at the birth of Christ...maybe just not like Lady Gaga....

  2. I can kinda see a resemblance!

  3. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is hilarious!!

  4. THAT is hilarious! Gee, I wonder how she even knows about Lady Gaga...hmm, who could be the culprit??? I can't imagine! :)
