Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust...

Just when I thought the plague was gone for good...

Towns was supposed to go meet her friend Gracie at a cute little pottery class for kids this afternoon (left you a message, Mary - and I called Memi's and they said they'd let you know we wouldn't be there). I let her lay down for a few minutes to rest before she went (per her request - very unusual), and when I went to tell her it was time to go she told me that she was freezing and didn't feel good. I picked her up and she was on fire. And Cate's starting to feel bad again, too. Will it ever end??
Have you ever played high/low?
I never really have, but yesterday was a good day for it.
My high?
Doing P90 last night from start to finish with J without stopping. And it felt good!!
My low?

I take credit for the cracked screen. It's been that way for a couple of months and still worked just fine. But when Towns dropped it last night before we headed out for B's very last basketball game ever at Oak Park (can you tell it's a little sentimental?), it didn't survive. Its replacement has been purchased, and I dare anyone under the age of 4 to touch it! :)


  1. Hi I found your site on my etsy traffic sources, just curious how you found my site? :) Thanks!

  2. Poor Wownsy! And that Cate - goodness! Hope y'all are on the mend soon! G hopefully will be with me Thursday and he will be heartbroken if he can't see the girls. About the phone, I will mourn the loss of my BB if something ever happens to it! The close call I had with it falling out of the front pocket of my hoodie straight into Reid's bath water as I bent over to bathe him was like slow motion, NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :) A bag of rice saved mine. I guess there's not much you can do if it's dropped, though. Technology - love it when it works! :)

  3. hey tara--after replacing my iphone for the same reasons (my kids!!) I got a otterbox cover for it & it is the BEST!!! (makes it kid friendly, b/c those iphones are a lifesaver for us mommies with our kiddos!) hope your girls feel better!!

  4. I saw the otter box today when I got my new phone! The guy helping me had one on his iPhone and threw the whole thing across the room to show me that it's virtually indestructable! I had no idea what he was doing and nearly had a heart attack! Seems like that's the one thing that will save me from buying iPhone #3!! Investing in one would be a heck of a lot cheaper than forking out money for a new lifeline! :)
