Monday, January 11, 2010

Heat Wave

The 3 ft. icicles hanging from our fountain in the back have finally disappeared for the first time in over a week, and it's supposed to clear 40 degrees today. Can you say HEAT WAVE?! It's been in the 20's for as long as I care to remember (ok, a week or so). And I couldn't be more ready for spring! I detest being cold. I'm trying to think of a good reason to be thankful for this weather, but I'm having a hard time!
Today is going to be a good day...

Show and Tell!
Catherine got to go to school with Towns today (since she didn't get to go on Friday because it was a snow day), and you couldn't force the smile off of the child's face! She got Catherine dressed and ready for school last night, and once Bethany and I saw her attire we convinced her to change her into something more school appropriate! Call me crazy, but we love buying preemie outfits for their baby dolls - which is what Catherine is wearing. It sounds ridiculous. I know. But I vividly remember going to Walmart in Andalusia as a little girl and my mom buying me real bottles and baby clothes for my big ol' Real Baby. The girls get a kick out of it and it's a little nostalgic for me. So why not? And please notice the ribbon in Towns' hair. Not a bow. I'm one sad mama. She's been ready to go to Kindergarten for a while now, and recently she's decided that ribbons are much more the Kindergarten look rather than bows. And she's learned how to tie her shoes. Just one more thing that makes her more grown up and less dependent on me!! Broken heart is all I have to say.

I can happily report that the patient has made a speedy recovery and is at school this morning. She was a pretty sick baby, but I also know Cate and know that she knows how to milk it. As you might be able to tell from the smile on this face...

That's after I got her all snuggled up in our bed and let her watch TV before she went to sleep Friday night. She's a mess! I haven't a clue where she could possibly get that from...


  1. I don't think I've ever been more ready for Spring! So glad Cate's better. And I know it makes you sad, but B is loving those ribbons for Wownsy, isn't she! :) B always liked real clothes for her baby dolls too - takes me back!

  2. I am so glad Cate is feeling better!
