Monday, January 18, 2010


If you mix creativity and imagination with a pink yoga mat, a Sunday night awards show, and 3 girls who love to get fancy...what do you have?
A home made Golden Globes red {pink} carpet event!
It was all B's idea, of course. And her 2 sidekicks didn't complain too very much about being dressed up and thrown in the middle of it all!
Once they were all dressed, B made them line up outside on the front porch in the freezing cold and come walk the carpet one by one. All this while yours truly yelled out their names and begged for their best poses in true paparazzi fashion {orders given strictly from B}.
This was the scene as they were getting lined up and ready to go...

First up, we have Towns. Towns is wearing a gorgeous form fitting, glittery ballet outfit with black patent tap shoes tied with Valentine's ribbon. Simply stunning!

And here's a close up of her new eye make-up method...

Can you tell that she's going for the rainbow look with how she layers the colors?
Next we have Cate. She's sporting a fluffy white slip, chocolate brown leggings, and orange platform heels with hot pink faux flowers. Breathtaking!

And here's the big celebrity herself. Bethany is wearing a White House/Black Market number, fabulous heels, and she's carrying a matching black handbag that's just for effect because there's nothing in it. Gorgeous!

She might be famous, but she still makes time for the little people in her life...

One of my favorites from the big night...

Another one? Sure. Why not!

The girl does love the camera! :)

If you think I escaped having to strut my stuff, you're sadly mistaken. But you won't be seeing those pictures!! B begged me to walk the red carpet and there was no way I was getting involved. However, if you know her, you know she has a way of going after what she wants and doesn't stop until she gets it. You've got to love that about her. I told her I had no idea what she expected me to do. But then the campus wear portion of Miss Fall Rush '98 came back to me in a flash and that was all she wrote. Let's just say that there are two givens in this situation. I embarrass myself on a daily basis to make these children happy and I'm the proud owner of the most horrible pictures ever taken in the history of the world...

Since the girls were out of school today, I got them up and at 'em early {by their standards these days} to take them to Panera for breakfast. Afterwards, it warmed up and the clouds disappeared so it was a perfect Bridge Street kind of day! B's got a small fortune in Bridge Street gift cards from Christmas, so she's always up for a Huntsville trip. Towns, Cate and I let her do her shopping while we strolled around in one of those fabulously ugly double strollers that look like a big bus. They have steering wheels and the girls think they're just great. And if it will keep them entertained and in their seats, it's worth the rental fee! It worked like a charm until the last store we went in. I saw Cate throw her leg over the edge and look at me out of the corner of her eye. I knew exactly what was about to happen. Then there goes the other leg. She's out. And I'm immediately down on her level whispering 'I have a switch in my purse that I'm about to get out if you don't get back in that car.' Right about now you're thinking that I'm inhumane. Time out doesn't work. Spank her and she laughs. So far, a little switch off the bush by the front porch has been the only thing that gets her attention. Usually I only have to threaten her with it and she's straightens up. Which is why when I told her I had one in my purse that I'd get if she didn't get herself back in the stroller she looked at me and said 'that is so not funny'. And she hopped right in like such a sweet little thing...

While we waited on B to make her rounds, we ate lots of cookies and danced to 'Don't Stop Til You Get Enough' that was playing through the outdoor speakers by our bench...

And then Towns spotted something...

The biggest bird on Earth in the window at Anthropologie!

What's that about??
It made for lots of laughs...

And really fun pictures!


  1. You girls are fabulous...I think I will have to offer Bethany a reward to post pictures of you reliving Miss Fall Rush '98. I remember going to pick out your outfit!!

  2. You tease, suck it up and post 'em, woman. I want to see those pics. HA! What fun! Love the BS pics too. Can't believe B took the pants back!

  3. I love B's poses on the catwalk! So fun!

  4. Your girls are too cute! Y'all have sooo much fun...can I come live with y'all please??!!!

  5. I think Towns' tap shoes take the cake for best dressed!!! I love the fun you and your girls have every awards show;however, we MUST see the MFR '98 fashion wear!!! btw...I love, love the matching outfits the girls wore shopping, esp the ribbon Towns is sporting! Do tell where the outfits came from??? ~Alison

  6. Tara,
    I love to see what & how y'all are celebrating (almost everyday!!!) I love it! I think it is so awesome! Can you give me some tips on how to have so much fun??!!?
