Friday, January 22, 2010

Craft Mania

We've had a week. It's been one thing after another, and by just Tuesday morning I was ready to throw my hands up and play all day. And that's just what we did! Actually, when you have children like mine they'd rather do arts and crafts over anything else...
We started with finger painting...

Cate couldn't believe that I was actually telling her to go crazy and stick her fingers in it...

She had to look over at Towns to make sure it was really ok to do it...

She finally dug in!

Blondie went to town with it...

But Cate's a neat freak and couldn't stop wiping her fingers off long enough to paint much!

Besides, it's way more fun to dip the wipes in paint anyway...

And then wipe the counters down with them, not stopping until every square inch was covered in green, orange and two shades of pink...

Is it crazy that I've kept every single thing they've ever painted? These are no different. These are just two of the ten that were painted...

Towns painted this one for me...

It's a picture of the two of us at our favorite place (no, not Target) - Point Mallard!
Can't you tell?!

After the painting session, they danced their hearts out while I laughed hysterically...

Wardrobe change, then more dancing...

(I love how the headband is pushed forward so much that Cate looks like she's wearing elf ears!)

In this one, Towns was trying to teach Cate how to do a curtsy that we'll really have to work on...

The girls were worn out after all the action, so I let them lay on our bed to watch Strawberry Shortcake and rest for a while. What on Earth would make me think that would go as planned? Not even two minutes had passed before this had happened...

See that goose egg on the right side of her forehead? That's what happens when you're jumping on the bed and fall head first off of it. And the hardwood floor breaks your fall. Not pretty.
I diverted her attention to more crafting!
Towns had 'homework' and had a little snowman from school that she had to decorate from things found around the house. I knew how it would go if I let her do it and left Cate out of it, so I made a copy of it and let the two of them go at it. The idea was to use things like beans, cotton balls, etc. because that's what most normal people would find around their house. But here's what's lying around ours...

(Love that Towns drew ear muffs on her snowman)

Ribbon, buttons, glitter, and pipe cleaners! I love having a craft box.
One day I'll have a craft room!!
Wednesday morning we had to take Towns' snowman back to school to turn it in, and Cate wasn't missing a beat when she grabbed hers to turn into Mrs. Judy and Mrs. Irene...

And when we got to school, low and behold Mrs. Michelle was wearing the shirt Towns gave her for Christmas! Of course we had to have a picture...

Turns out that both of her teachers had planned to wear their shirts last Friday to surprise her. Mrs. Michelle knew she'd be out sick and saved it to wear when she'd be there, but Mrs. Glenda wore hers and we missed seeing her. Oh well, maybe next time!

Back to Tuesday...

Am I the only person in the world who didn't know about these things?
How did I miss those when I was a kid??
I found the kit at Target in the Valentine's section and decided to see what it was all about. I don't know who had more fun with it - the kids or me!

I cut the shapes out and let them color them, punched holes in the top so we could hang them on a Valentine tree, then stuck them in the oven only to watch them come out like this...

Unbelievable! Why am I so amazed by these things?! Goodness...

By Tuesday afternoon my back was killing me from standing at the kitchen counter all day long playing craft supervisor. And this was the mess I had to clean up...

But I have some sweet, sweet keepsakes from it and that makes it all worth it!


  1. I am heading to Target this am to get some Valentine Shrinky Dinkys! How did I miss them on Monday?

  2. Ok, I can't believe Cate is a neat freak - how funny is that! She's such a tough girl I thought she'd like to get down and dirty! :) Those pictures of her dancing crack me up! Wownsy is such a sweet big sister! Fun fun! And oh my how Shrinky Dinks take me back. If only we could find them around here!

  3. Ok...I ended up having to go to Huntsville to get some Shrinky Dinks! Did you buy the place out?

  4. Looks like lots of fun. My little one loves making crafts too. I have got to get to Target and get those Shrinky Dinkys if any are left.

  5. You wear me out! Yall just never slow down, do you! I want to come live with you in your fun house!
