Monday, January 4, 2010

Target Rehab

The McClendon family needs help. Maybe even a 12 step program. Why? We're addicted to Target. Hopelessly addicted! Today the girls and I went to look at houses with a real estate agent (J was in meetings all day so we were solo), and we based our likes and dislikes of them according to their distance from Target. We didn't realize we were doing it until much later when it hit me and I called us out on it. Sad! We go all the time. Sometimes twice a day. And the bad part is that most of the time we go for no reason at all. Please tell me we're not the only ones?! I have a friend from church who's right there with me. Every time I'm there we see each other, so it makes me feel somewhat better to know that I'm not alone!
And come Christmas this year, I'll definitely stay away from Target when buying presents for the girls. Apparently things like this are just as much fun as new toys...

A house full of new things to play with and that's what my kitchen looked like the day after Christmas!
In case you have a hard time believing how bad this addiction is, I have proof. Seems like every picture on my iPhone has Target scenery in the background...

Random, but see the guy right above Towns' head that has a beard and an orange hat? He scared me. I thought he was about to blow the place up. I saw him get out of his car and walk into the store alone. He stood there leaning against that post for at least 20 minutes. Just staring at people. I know this because I hung around pretending to be shopping on the dollar aisle just to see if he could be waiting for someone, but since he came in alone I had a feeling he wasn't. I didn't want to falsely accuse him of being the Target Bomber. But I was also having visions of them shutting the place down and sirens going off because we were being held hostage. Scary. I was making several different escape plans in my head and was ready to dial 911 on my phone. I told the manager on duty about him and she went to see what he was all about. Never found out what came of it, but seeing that picture just reminded me of him! I ended up feeling really guilty. For all I know he doesn't have friends or family and wanted to hang out at Target and people-watch just for some interaction. Who am I to say he can't go to Target for no reason at all? We do it all the time! He was looking mighty suspicious, though!!!
Moving right along...
On one of our Target trips we got Starbie's and sat down for a little while. Towns had $9 that was burning a hole in her purse (she gets it honest, B!) and I tried to let her pick out things she wanted while making her stay within her budget. She wanted make-up and blew the budget by $6. We'll work on that. And we'll work on her make-up applying skills, as well. :)
I had to get done up right away...

Speaking of make overs...

Bebby has been so sweet to play with her sisters on her break. They're loving her like crazy! She always talks about how she can't wait until they're older and she'll be their best friend. She hopes they'll tell her all their secrets and think she's the coolest person on Earth. I think we're already there, B! You just don't know how much they love you!! It only gets better from if they would stay out of your stuff it would be much better, right?!

Today was a snow day, and we found out a little while ago that school's out tomorrow too. Bethany is beyond thrilled and Towns is beyond disappointed. She was looking forward to taking her favorite Christmas present for show-and-tell tomorrow. She was going to take her new baby Catherine since the trampoline won't squeeze into the Tahoe. We're keeping our fingers crossed that Catherine will get to go to school with her Monday!
We could have been outside playing in the snow flurries, but Cate woke up sick this morning. Fever, horrible cough, etc. One day back at Mother's Day Out and look what happens! She's been a really good patient, and that might be because she's had some really good nurses. It pays to be the baby of the family because everyone goes overboard to make sure she's happy and comfortable. Bethany did her make-up and toenails and let her lay in bed with her to watch Strawberry Shortcake. And Towns has really gone above and beyond...

Once she fell asleep, Towns got every last blanket and lovey we own and got her 'cozied up' as she says. Smooth sailing until Buggy threw up all over everything. Lovely!

She's pretty pitiful! She keeps saying 'hold me tight, Mommy'. Don't get me wrong, I hate to see her so sick but I love it when she needs me. She's the most independent one in the bunch, so this doesn't happen very often!


  1. 1. I was laughing hysterically at the crazy bearded Target bomber story. Good eye mommy. And I laughed even harder that you then gave yourself a guilt trip about it. You nut.

    2. What's wrong with the picture of you in Target (I guess of Towns applying makeup to you?) It looks like something from the exorcist...mucho distorted??? Maybe bearded man did something to your lense?

    3. God love Towns and B taking care of Cate. That might be the sweetest thing ever.

  2. I couldn't get over B telling me about the houses y'all looked at - after giving me the scoop about each one it was, "Well, this one's like so far from Target so we don't know how we feel about that one." :) Hope Cate Bug is feeling better.

  3. I wish I could have been there when the weirdo guy was there! I would have liked to see you stalking him! HA! Poor Buggy is PITIFUL! Hope she gets better soon! It is not normal that she is not pulling our hair and yelling! (:
