Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fun While It Lasted...

It's rainy and the lower temperatures are coming back, blah, blah, blah. But we couldn't have asked for better weekend weather, and we definitely took full advantage of it! It all started Friday afternoon with a 3 hour park trip that included some of our favorite friends...

Somehow I got persuaded to hit the slide with Cate's friend Ella (all she has to do is look at me with that cute little smile of hers and I'll say yes to whatever she wants!) which turned into every kid at the park wanting to join in...

Once Towns and her friends saw what was going on they were making their way up the slide as fast as their little legs could carry them!

And we're off...

You don't want to see how that one ended!!
Cate and Ella missed their naps. And each had a paci in tow to keep the whining to a minimum. They tried so hard to play and make the most of it, but in actuality they were walking around like sleep deprived zombies!

And you'd think that afterwards they'd be asleep before any of us got home. Not so! Lila called to see if my children had passed out yet and we both confirmed that they'd all hit their 7th wind! That's what a long, cold winter will do for you. They had months and months worth of energy to burn!! Because it seems like that's how long it's been since we've seen the outdoors...goodness!

Saturday brought more good weather, thankfully. We did breakfast, a quick Target run, another park trip, and then it was off to our friend Katie's 5th birthday party. A gymnastics party! Towns was in heaven!
There were obstacle courses, games, and lots of free time to jump on the trampoline...

It's starting to hit me that these are the last months that all of these sweet kiddos will be seeing each other this much. They've practically been together since they were born - from church to school and everything in between. I'm not ready to face the fact that they'll soon be going their separate ways for Kindergarten! Can you say emotional disaster?!?! I think I'd rather bury my head in the sand and pretend it isn't right around the corner...

We clowned around a little after church Sunday morning before heading to Cracker Barrel for lunch (the one place both girls could agree on)...

Do you see Cate's hair? Bless her.
She's just a wild woman all the way around...that's all there is to it!
The girls had fun in the mini rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel, and in this one they're pretending they've rocked themselves to sleep...

Whenever I ask Towns to smile so I can take a picture of her, this is what she gives me these days...

Or either this face...

What's that about? Being a silly 4 year old? Probably!
So I've had my eye on this Easter wreath for a week now, and I knew that I'd end up buying it sooner or later. So I opted for sooner! And I'm so ready for Spring that I absolutely couldn't wait another day to hang it. Call me crazy. You don't have to remind me that it is still February. I'm well aware, but I don't care!

And one more for fun...

Isn't that the best? Saw it at Cracker Barrel and I'm thinking we must have it!
If only my children could read!!
Sunday afternoon couldn't come soon enough for the girls...they were ready to pick their Bebby up! It's just never quite the same with her gone, and Towns doesn't sleep a wink without being in bed with her. Thank goodness you're back, B! We missed you!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the blah, blah, blah! Maybe just a couple more cold spells and we'll be knocking on Spring's door! Love the Easter wreath! And that Whitt's cup Wownsy is holding in one of those pictures is making me drool.
