Thursday, February 25, 2010

Smarty Pants

Bethany was inducted into the Junior Honor Society yesterday afternoon at her school, and there's no doubt that she had a large fan club in the audience to cheer her on. She's always done so well in school, and if you'll allow me to brag on her for just a sec I'll tell you that she really is a model student. The model everything, for that matter!
Naturally, she had to have the perfect outfit for such a momentous occasion. She found a fabulous pair of shoes - she's a true girl - and then we designed the rest of her outfit around them! She looked so beautiful!
And somehow the only pictures I ended up with were this one 2 seconds before she received her certificate...

And then this one of her two seconds after...

Her mom got much better ones, thankfully! When they called her name, her family had to stand up in the audience which looked like nothing short of a Nikon convention! :)
Congrats, B! You always make us proud!!
I'll miss you this weekend...see you Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Between your two pictures and my one, we have a perfect sequence of events. :)
