Friday, February 5, 2010

A Little of This, A Little of That

It's been business as usual around here all week...nothing overly exciting to report!
It's been cold and rainy, so on the girls' days off from school they've spent lots of time like this...

(Curled up in bed watching cartoons and reading books...but with clothes on! HA!)
And Cate's been rather mischievous...

That would be the Bible I've had for over 20 years that my Granny and Pop gave me. The one where they underlined all their favorite verses and wrote little notes to me in the margins of the pages before they gave it to me. The one Earthly possession that I would be devastated over should something happen to it because it's one of the only things I still have that reminds me of my sweet grandfather whom I miss so much. And Cate ripped the pages from it. All I could do was sit in the floor and cry. And she was patting my back and hugging me saying 'why hoo crying, Mommy?' which made me cry even more. I was so mad. She knows better. I won't go as far as to say I'm over it, but it can be fixed and it doesn't change the way I feel about her. When it happened, Towns looked at me and all she could say was 'what are we going to do with her?' to which I had nothing to reply!
The girls started gymnastics at a new venue this week. They've been taking at another place across town, but it's a zoo with so many classes going on at the same time and we couldn't see that they were getting anything from it. So J scouted out another spot and after taking them twice this week, we're 100% sold! It's amazing to say the least. And they have one-on-one time with the teachers for a solid hour, which makes me a very pleased parent.
Bethany started out in a Level 1 class. And after evaluating Towns, they decided to put her in too! They've never put a 4 year old in a Level 1 class, so let's hope she can hang with them! So far, so good. Both of them are loving it! I had my camera with me last night, so I snapped a few pictures of them in action. The whole second floor is nothing but glass so that you can see what all is going on down below, and it's great entertainment!
Towns getting ready to do a back handspring...

B is nothing but a blur because she's so fast! This is her mid back tuck...

Right about then, I spotted Towns sneaking up onto the beam so she could make a 4 ft. jump into the foam pit...

She made it, and I could breathe again. I know it's only foam, but still!
I love this one...

If you'll notice, Bethany and Towns are fixing their hair the exact same way. Towns copies everything her sister does! Love it!
This one is funny to me...

That's the competition cheer team. Obviously they weren't performing at their highest potential, so Shane (the owner) called Towns over so they could see that she could do her back handspring (with a spot, of course) to show them that they need to step up their game! :) She's the pink blur to the left that's running off. I didn't catch the whole thing, but B motioned for me to look at what she was doing and by the time I did, she was almost gone. That's all she talked about all night long afterwards!
I haven't really had my camera out much this week, so this morning I had a feeling the girls were having Nikon withdrawals (I'm so kidding...they love it when they don't have a lens in their faces!). There was some major sisterly love going on at breakfast...

Not sure what Cate's doing to B!
We've been waiting all week for Friday to finally come. Towns got to wear pj's and take her sleeping bag to a pajama party at doesn't get much more exciting than that for a 4 year old! She had everything packed and sitting by the door last night before she went to bed so that this morning all she had to do was grab it and go!

She looks like a hitch hiker in that one. Yes, I took her to school and didn't make her find her own ride. Only because it was raining and I would have felt bad seeing her stand on the street thumbing a ride while getting soaking wet! Kidding...
I love routines. This is ours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday when I take the girls to school...
Towns gets all of her stuff out of the car and gets it organized before she goes in and Cate looks on admiringly...

We drop Towns off at her class first. She puts her backpack in its spot outside the classroom and gets her folder and library book out so she can turn it in to her teacher. Cate waits patiently during all that. And once Towns is ready to go in, they give each other a big hug and kiss and Towns says "you have a good day in your class, Cate-Cate, and Sissy will see you in a little while." Just like that. Every single time.

Then Cate turns around and heads to her class with her Strawberry Shortcake backpack like she's something else...

And when we get there, she gives her backpack to one of her teachers and says good morning to all of her friends. I'm totally forgotten about at this point, therefore I casually say "ok, Cate, Mommy's going" to get her to give me at least a little love before I leave. And so she runs over and gives me a great big hug. And if I try to leave right after that, she'll remind me that I haven't given her a kiss...

Have I mentioned that I just want to freeze them and make them stay just like they are?! Thanks Taunton for the picture...even though it took 46 tries! :)

It's a big weekend for B! She's going to be at DNow with our church from tonight until Sunday morning which is HUGE for her! Those of us born in the 80's might remember it as Discipleship know they have that hip lingo that I can't keep up with these days. B's always liked to stay close to home, either with her mom or with us on the weekends. So the fact that she's going to be gone this weekend without any of us around is a major milestone! She'll be with her friends having a great time and probably won't give us a second thought...sigh. And I'm interested in hearing what all she learns over the course of the weekend. The theme is "So You're Dead...Now What?" and I have a feeling it'll be a great time of fellowship and learning. Have fun, B!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel about your Bible: I have, well, HAD the cutest video of B when she was around Reid's age. I have quite a few but this was by far my favorite video of her aside from her birth video. Grant and Mac used to love to watch it. I could put it in and they would sit and watch the whole video. G asked to watch it one day so I put it in and pressed play and up pops Sponge Bob. One of them (likely Mac) had pushed record while they were watching it (it was a VHS tape) and it recorded over all of it. I was sick. And I cried! But what can you do?

    SO proud of Wownsy! I can't wait to see her in action!

    I told B to save her books, etc. from DNow because I'm quite interested in what they will cover on that topic. And yes, she's come a loooong way! Makes a mama proud!

    I love that you have a picture of Wownsy looking up to B, doing what she's doing and then one of Cate looking up to Towns. Precious! Sweet, sweet girls!
