Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'll Take Summer, Please

I spent the weekend with the funniest guy I know. Just the two of us. Sometimes in the craziness that is our life I don't quite appreciate how much fun he is to be around nearly as much as I should. We spent the entire weekend doing work (me) and taxes (him) and we still had a good time! And since our heat went out Friday night and the guy that is fixing it can't get the part he needs until Monday morning, we spent the coldest weekend we've had in a while wishing we were back in Mexico...

Vacation talk occupied 3/4 of our time. We're already planning for the summer! Can you tell I grow increasingly ready for higher temperatures (hey, I'd even take spring in a heartbeat) by the day?! Oh how I wish I saw warm weather in the near future!!!


  1. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! I am with you all the way!!!!! My dislke for winter is growing more and more everyday! I'm sooooo ready to be able to walk outside without shivering my head off, and I'm tired of sickness!!!!!!! I think I have acquired a really bad attitude about the cold weather these days!
