Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Future Cheerleader!

Seems like Towns has been taking notice of what Bethany's been doing while getting ready for cheer tryouts. She thinks she's just as big as B and all of her friends. And she knows those moves like the back of her hand...

While we were outside playing around, we sat on the porch for a while and just talked. She offered to give me tips on applying eye make up...which I assume she thought I needed!
Here she's telling me that "you put eye shadow on right here and then bring it out to the edge just like this"...

I tried not to laugh because she was being so incredibly serious!

My cousin Mary Catherine came to stay with us for a few days this week while she was on Spring Break which made for two happy little girls...

That's how they fell asleep every night while she was here. Bless her heart, they didn't give her a moment's peace! But I do believe she was completely fine with it. They gave Bethany a break for a few days and assumed their roles as Mary Catherine's shadow! :)
She baked a chocolate cake with them one afternoon...

She let them crack the eggs, and when it was Cate's turn she threw her whole egg in the bowl...

Which she thought was hilarious!
One more reason why they love Mary Cat...

They got to lick the bowl!
They've shown out the whole time she's been here...

But what else is new?!
Two more just for fun...

Now if they could be that sweet to each other all the time...wait, who I am I kidding???

Tomorrow is the big day for a certain cutie...

Look at her...doesn't she just scream high school cheerleader?
Can't believe it's almost here!


  1. MC is a beautiful girl! I know y'all enjoyed having her. Cute pics!! Wownsy just looks like a little cheerleader! Was that picture of B taken in December? If so, I can't believe how much her face has matured just in a few months. She's really looking growny these days (and acting it too). :) Scary!!

  2. Towns does look like she has the moves down!! :) What a cutie~pie! Keep us posted on B's news~can't wait to hear!!
