Friday, March 19, 2010

It's a GOOD Day...

A really good day! It's Friday. And it's sunny. And it's warm. All of the above make me one happy lady. But it just keeps getting better. Today is also cheer tryouts. And this morning B reminded me that she needed a "big fat white bow" for her hair. So off I went to the fabric store after I dropped the girls off at school. While I was looking for extra wide white grosgrain ribbon (another term for "big fat white bow"), I stumbled up on this that was 30% off...

And since Towns is so into ribbons for her hair now that she's an almost-Kindergartener, well I just couldn't resist.

I had to make a quick Target run to pick up a few last minute treats and a card (after these tryouts I should own stock in the greeting card industry) to stick down in the bag with the "big fat white bow" that I had to drop by the school for B.
Before I proceed, I need to confess that I love to shop. But what I love even more than shopping, is finding an unexpected good deal at Target!
Like this...

The $4 navy faux patent leather planner that I found on clearance that's going to remarkably change my life. Maybe now I'll get it together. Ok, maybe I'm getting a little carried away, but it sounds good!
And these...

Four dozen Easter eggs to dye...only $1 a carton!
I'm armed with neon food coloring and vinegar which make the best and brightest eggs!
I also picked these up while I was there...

Which totally makes my day!!!! Little Debbie makes me feel like a kid again!
Want one more reason that it's been the best day?
I forgot all about working this morning and sat down to play this...

Right by myself. Without anyone trying to play along with me.
For the first time in over 3 years!
Obviously it's the little things in life that are making me happy today! :)
Now the only thing that could make this day even better is B nailing her tryout and making cheerleader!!!


  1. Gosh, what time are tryouts? I keep checking the blog for the big announcement. And, I will kiss your toes if that planner changes your life. I tried to change you for years, and you are still the most unorganized person I have ever met. But, I still love ya!

  2. 4:30 kick off for tryouts! Should know before 5:30. And I'm not nearly as unorganized as I used to would be proud! Ha! I guess it's all relative...I'm in good shape for what all I try to juggle everyday! That's probably a better way to put it! :)

  3. Oh Tara, I can't wait to hear about Bethany I know she is going to do great! I love the planner thing b/c I still don't keep one, I'll admit as much as we do I really like my unscheduled life. But sometimes a little organization would make it easier I'm sure. I have a mom agenda in my car that i write in after the fact, or I'll stick appointment cards in it instead of writing stuff down (not sure if that counts) Enjoy this beautiful day, can't wait to hear!

  4. Good Luck Bethany - Can't wait to hear! Tara - I love me some planners - I even write - remind/order T-shirts from Tara in mine - ha ha : )
