Monday, March 22, 2010


I've been working my rear off. And whoever said that working from home and being a Mom at the same time was easy has obviously never done it! :) I absolutely love being able to stay at home with the girls, so all the chaos and craziness is worth it. But sometimes (ok, most of the time) I struggle with how to balance it all. And when I get on a roll with work, it seems that the girls have to do a lot of entertaining themselves so that I can finish what I've started. I've been feeling really guilty about that, so last Thursday I was determined to spend the day with them and have fun while we were at it. We've never had the Build-A-Bear experience, and it seemed as good a time as any to give it a whirl!
Oh the excitement once we got to the mall in Huntsville...

If I'm being honest, the smiles are because they saw this when we walked in...

They love those things!
We had a little lesson in breaking and entering because that's just what they were about to do...

Once the clock struck 10 we were in!
They couldn't wait to dig right in...

Cate picked out the camo bear at first, but after a little persuasion she ended up with a bright yellow duck. Towns knew she wanted the bunny rabbit from the minute she laid eyes on it (hence, the Easter obsession). Once that part of the process was done, they moved onto the next part...

Shopping for outfits!
At Build-A-Bear, they are definitely no dummies. They put everything right in reach of the little ones making for lots of fits to be thrown when they find out we can't get $463 in clothes and accessories for a stuffed animal.
They each got to pick one outfit and in the end they were fine with that!

They had a blast with the rest of it...
They picked out a heart to put in their animals and did all the cute stuff that goes along with it...

Now close your eyes and make a wish...

Time to put the hearts in and get their animals stuffed...

Once that was done, they got to get them dolled up!
Fake lipstick and blush galore...

Next up...birth certificates to be filled out on the kid-friendly computers (probably their favorite part)...

Cate kept giving me that look because she thought she was going to get scolded for being on the computer...she's learned about ours at home!
All done and ready to hit the road...

Meet Katie (Cate's duck) and Emma Caroline (Towns' bunny)!
They had a ball and have already picked out what they want next time!

Last Friday afternoon while we were so desperately trying to keep busy until time to get B from tryouts, we got out the sidewalk chalk. It was beautiful and warm...perfect day to play outside!

Can you tell we're a little excited that Easter is just around the corner?!
J came home from riding his new pride and joy while we were outside...

Towns was ecstatic about that because she got to help him wash all the mud off...

She's a pro with a water hose if you want everything in creation to get hosed down! Ha!

I left them to washing the motorcycle because it was finally 4:30 and time for tryouts! Parents weren't allowed in the school, so we had to wait outside which was complete torture.
I stared at this for 2 solid hours...

There's a little door that you can't see in this picture. The door that she'd be running out of once she found out if she made it. Ahhh...the suspense!! I think I officially reached the internet as I was sitting there waiting. And waiting. And waiting. But it was all good when she ran out screaming and crying because she was so excited!
I know I keep talking about this cheerleader business, but I just can't help it! :)


  1. I feel your pain about working from home with 2 kids~mine always seem to be hungry right when I am in the middle of monagraming a shirt! :) Oh...the joys of parenthood, but wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!

  2. The picture of Towns drawing the egg with chalk looks like B! :) Didn't the whole Build-A-Bear experience make you want to do one of your own!?! So fun! I love the bunny Wownsy picked out. And you tell Cate Bug Miss April will take her to BAB and let her get the camo bear - a girl after my own heart! :)
