Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend Highlights

This past weekend was the most eventful one we've had in a while, and I'm thinking I need a few days off to recover! Which is a joke, but wouldn't it be nice?!

The highlight of our weekend was Saturday afternoon...

Smitten & Co. was a sponsor, so it was a must that we attend! :)
My friend Lila and I talked about going together to take Madelyn and Towns to the American Girl Fashion show, but in the end we decided that it was best if I took the girls while Lila entertained Cate and Ella. We waited for Madelyn to get through with her t-ball game and then it was time for some high fashion!
I love how Madelyn can come straight from a ballgame and look like this...

She kindly let Towns borrow an American Girl for the afternoon. My child has never heard of American Girl until Saturday - I'll give you a minute to pick yourself up off of the floor. We've always said that we'd wait until she asked for one instead of introducing it to her. I see it as great gift ideas for Christmas and birthday, and I don't want to run through them all at such an early age! Then she'll be wanting a cell phone and a laptop by age 7! :)
But after Saturday afternoon she was fully introduced to the phenomenon, and you can cue the begging because that's what she's been doing ever since!
After intermission, the girls got a chance to be VIPs and hit the stage which was a life changing experience for Towns. We've played "fashion show" ever since with my pink yoga mat doubling as the runway!

They got to participate in the after-show activities and opted to get their nails painted...

They're a little proud of the finished product...

By this point they had both agreed that it was "the goodest day ever" and, well, it just doesn't get any cuter than that!

Silly little fashionistas...

I got the biggest kick out of seeing how much fun they had...too cute!

Cate spent most of the weekend like this...

I'm not sure what it's all about, but she's been my permanent attachment lately. She's usually the biggest Daddy's girl so I'm eating it up!
She did manage to pull herself from my leg long enough to dance in the late afternoon sun...

With her sister leading the way...

Then she spotted a few ants and thought it was a good idea to stomp on them...

But then lost it when she realized they were stuck on the bottom of her shoe...

She's been completely cracking me up the last few days with the things she's said. She's obviously heard me say just that because today I heard her laughing at her baby doll and saying "you crack me up, sweet baby"!
And Saturday as the girls and I were coming home from Target we were talking about how great the weather had been that day. I proceeded to tell them that it was supposed to rain the next day and Towns said "that stinks" in a majorly dramatic voice - to which Cate replied "it's probby (probably) just my feet, Sissy"! I wish I wrote down all of these little funnies because one day when they're torturing me as teenagers I'll need memories like these! Ha!
And just in case you think I'm exaggerating about what a stinker Cate is, here's proof...

This is the picture I got Sunday after church when I asked the two of them to get together and smile. Towns is doing just as she's told and Cate's a foot off the ground! Most every picture I've ever taken of her is a blur. But she's my sweet, funny, attached-to-my-hip blur and I love her!

J had a run-in with this death trap Saturday...

He says it was nothing, but I call having the paramedics at the motocross track mention a broken femur and a severed femoral artery all in the same sentence a little more than "nothing". When I told Towns that Daddy was coming home earlier than planned she naturally asked why. I told her that he'd had a little accident on his motorcycle, but that he was ok (as I was praying I didn't have to eventually tell her otherwise). And that's when she shrugged her shoulders and said "well, that's why you don't buy yourself a motorcycle" - that's my girl! Of course, when he got home and we saw how pitiful he was our hearts softened up. He's been waited on hand and foot ever since. And he would tell you that this is the one time that it pays to be the only male in a house full of women!
Don't get me wrong, I love seeing him do something he enjoys so much...I just wish it was a little safer and that he didn't have to up his long term disability insurance to have his fun!
(Darby, you might want to keep your J away from my J as they wouldn't be a good influence on each other - since we seem to have the two craziest husbands in history!)
This is what Towns had waiting for him when he got home...

And Bebs, we owe you two sheets of cheerleader paper for letting us borrow (or take without asking) yours. But since you got to lay out all weekend and we didn't, we'll just call it even! :)


  1. What a fun day! You're going to have so much fun with all the American Girl stuff, especially Bitty Baby! I see a trip to NYC in Wownsy's future. :)

    And Cate just cracks me up all the way around. She's hilarious.

  2. Looks like fun!

    And Towns, your pink flower headband is just fabulous! :)

  3. I'm so glad everyone had fun at AG and I love all your pics! Thanks for helping sponsor the event!

  4. What.... you weren't kidding were you! Severed femoral artery? HE could have died. Did they have to set his femur? Oh my heavens... how long will he be out for? I'll be praying for a SPEEDY recovery... for his sake and yours too!
