Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Eggs!

I've told you a million times how much we love holidays and everything that goes along with them. So the fact that Easter is this weekend and we've yet to dye Easter eggs had me feeling like I needed to get my act together! We took the party outside since it was so nice out.
And also because this crew + egg dye = potential disaster.

Cate watched for a few minutes before she dug right in...

Towns pretty much took over the whole egg-dying process (we've got to work on that) which didn't make Cate too happy...

She kept giving us this look and we'd laugh so hard that she'd keep right on doing it!
Bebby and Cate were into each other big time yesterday (you never know from one day to the next - ha!)...

But it didn't take long before Bug resumed her position in my lap which is where she is most of the time these days...

She woke up with a really high fever yesterday morning and J bought some new chewable Tylenol to give her. She's never had it before and I don't know if had some crazy effect on her or what, but she was quite the character yesterday! We laughed at her non-stop!
She slept most of the afternoon and I had so much work to do, so I let Towns go to town with paint and plastic Easter eggs. I bought them so that all the girls could paint them, but I was in a moment of desperation and let her do them all...

She hung them on this little tree and wanted them all in one spot...

It's leaning so far over that it might break at any minute, but I dare not touch it and ruin her masterpiece!

I'm so glad the girls don't mind me taking so many pictures of them...can you sense the sarcasm?
These are some of my favorites from yesterday...

Cate woke up feeling a little better and meant that she wasn't missing her Easter party and egg hunt at school this morning. With a baby on either hip, she was ready to hit the road...

And I'm about to hit the road, too...I've got a date with some 2 year olds at an Easter party that can't be missed!


  1. Eggs are on our agenda for the afternoon. I love it! And we ALWAYS have to dye eggs outside!! I remember last year B saying she couldn't believe the boys were so messy with it, that y'all usually did them inside. Guess that changed this year, huh! :) Might it have something to do with Reid's clone in female form?!? HA HA!

    SO glad B was getting some Cate Bug love! I know she was eating that up.

    Love all the pictures! Of course one of my favorites (besides the ones of B) is the one of Cate with that look on her face! Hilarious!

  2. Can't wait till we dye our eggs!! fun, fun! Happy Easter to all the McClendons!
