Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Heart...

So my conscience is getting to me tonight. It seems like lately I've focused on how wild and out of control Cate is. When in actuality, I should be focusing on how precious she is. For every time she's a little unruly, there are plenty more times that she is quite the opposite. She's silly. She's loving. She makes me laugh hysterically. She'd give you anything she had if she knew you wanted it. She holds her hands on my face in the morning when I get her out of her bed, puts her forehead against mine and says "I love you, Mommy"...every single day without fail. She's my cuddle buddy when she's awake before the sun comes up. She never lets her Daddy leave in the mornings without running to him before he walks out the door to make sure he has a hug and a kiss...because she thinks his day can't start until she does. When I tell her I love her she sometimes says "you don't" with this sly grin on her face just so I'll tell her I love her even more, and then we both laugh til we almost cry. She makes me smile all the time. She's the one who will always keep me on my toes. And I love her for it. She's my heart!

Today as we were leaving the post office I spotted something fun to show her...

She got a big kick out of blowing all the petals off!

And she figured out what it's like when the wind blows them back into your mouth...

When we got in the car she was completely cracking me up...

It's blurry because it's a picture taken with my phone in the car, but she was so funny in her poncho, sunglasses, umpteen bracelets, paci in her mouth, etc...

What? You're laughing at me?!

Speaking of laughs...

These cupcakes have made for some good laughs today. Bethany had a group project on Al Capone, and her group asked her to make cupcakes to use for a visual. So this afternoon she was telling me that we had to bake cupcakes by tonight so she could take them to school in the morning. Ok. No biggie. Seems easy enough. Then she drops them bomb on me that they have to be somewhat gangsteresque so the class will think of the Al Capone book they just read when they look at them. My next on Earth do we do that?! Here's where the funny part comes in. B proceeded to tell me that we could just go to the store to get "those candy things you stick on top of cupcakes that are shaped like a gun". I asked her if she heard herself and what she was saying. Because they do make candy guns for cupcake toppers...every grocery store has them! You're too funny, B! We ended up going for blood with red food coloring instead. Definitely not the cupcakes I'm used to making!
B went to bed and I stayed up to ice the cupcakes. I wasn't sure if anyone would get the look we were going for, so I took them to J to look at and see if he got the idea without me telling him what it was supposed to be. He apparently thought it was a trick question because his first guess was "those are the cupcakes we had at our wedding"...wrong! Next guess? "You made me those on our first anniversary?" Seriously? Blood spattered cupcakes?? I let him in on the secret that I wasn't trying to trick him and asked him if they remotely reminded him of a gangster. I think he was really relieved that he hadn't missed some huge part of married our life that symbolized our love for each other, and kindly told me that that's what they'd reminded him of all along. I love having a family that makes me laugh non-stop. They're something else!!

This is the forecast for the weekend...

Obviously March has come in like a lion, and I'm ready for it to go out like a lamb!
Happy Friday...rain or shine!

1 comment:

  1. If I changed "she" to "he" in what you wrote about your sweet Cate Bug I would think I had written it about Reid. I too get convicted of that with him. I have a post I'm working on about that very subject.

    Sorry about the procrastination thing - B gets it honest! :) And I do plan on giving her a hard time about the gun cupcake toppers - that's too funny.
